Chapter II

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An exhaustive couple of minutes into their walk under the rain, Nicki was completely soaked as she'd given her umbrella to Blue so she and the little boy in her arms would be free from the rain.

She had Sir in one hand and Rumi in the other seeing as Sir had been complaining about his leg and being very overdramatic on 'how he couldn't go on and they should complete the journey without him' so Nicki picked him up and there was no way she was about to pick him and not pick his twin sister up too.

And she had to learn that the hard way as Rumi kept on crying and wailing in the rain as if she was being stabbed and she wasn't saying what she wanted, she was just crying..


"What's wrong?" Nicki asked frantically trying to get the little girl to stop crying and not draw attention towards them.

But she wasn't replying instead she kept screaming her head of and flailing her arms as if she were in pain.

"Rumi shut up!" Blue said in exasperation only making the girl cry more as Sir reached his little hands out to wipe away his sister's tears but he was up and out of reach.

Blue soon bent down and whispered something in her ear to which she nodded sniffing a little but the tears kept rolling down her soft cheeks.

"Can you please pick her up too?" Blue asked sheepishly seemingly embarrassed by what her sister just did.

"Is that it?" Nicki asked baffled picking her up too, they were pretty light which was why it wasn't too much for her to pick them up but the lightness seemed very unhealthy.. I need to work on that.

"You could have just said that baby girl." Nicki said to her to which the little girl just sniffed resting her head on Nicki's shoulder.


The walk soon started coming to an end as her house slowly came into view, they had to pass security first before being allowed through the gates.

"Ms. Onika?" The security asked confused wondering what Nicki was doing walking in the rain with a bunch of kids.

"Please just open the gates Steven, and stay out of this." she said shutting down the obviously nosy question she knew was about to be asked.

They all walked through and into a wide path as the beautiful mansion slowly came into view..

Blue looked around looking for escape routes incase this was just all a sort of planned kidnap.. I don't think I'll be able to get through security though...  She thought scanning the surroundings.

Undoubtedly, it was truly very beautiful.

"Your house is nice." she mumbled out not thinking the woman had heard her.

"Thanks." Nicki smiled trying to ease her nerves anticipating all the questions which were gonna be thrown her way once Beyoncé set eyes on this children.

I mean she left home this morning with no kids and now she came back with not one but four.. she had a whole lot of explaining to do.

They walked through the foyer and into the living room, where Blue rolled up the umbrella neatly and laid it to the side..

Sir shook a little in her arms wanting to be let down to which she gladly did.. she wanted to put Rumi down too but the slight snores told her the girl had most likely already fallen asleep in her arms.

"Umm.. can you kids go sit there for a bit, there's someone I want you to meet." Nicki said pointing towards a pristine white sofa in the shape of an L that was opposite a large screen TV.

Blue really wanted to ask if she could switch it on but was far too shy to ask, she couldn't even remember the last time she'd gotten to watch a movie.

"Okay." she voiced grabbing a hold on Sir's hand as the three of them made their way into the living room.

Rumi was still being carried by Nicki, who walked into the kitchen but there was no sign of her wife, she then headed up the stairs and into their shared bedroom but there was still no sign of the woman in question, not in the studio, not in the theater room, not even in the study.

A shrill scream from downstairs resonated around the house making Rumi stir in her sleep.

"I think I found her."

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