Chapter 1

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"Joker... is this really a good idea?" A little blue ninja asked his master, who seemed distracted with something that looked like a metal briefcase. "What makes you think it's not a good idea? I'm holding the pinnacle of technology right here!" He answered him with a beaming smile and gleam in his eyes, in hindsight, that should've been a red flag for Hachi.

"I mean, remember the last time we stole a time machine? You got sent to a 1000 years to the past", he reasoned again which actually got Joker's attention away from the case and to look towards him, "and not to mention the fact that this one's slso built by the same person," Hachi continued, a little more exasperated the more he listed out, but Joker didn't seem to share the same concerns.

"It'll be fine Hachi, I know how it works now so it shouldn't happen again!" He answered with a wave of his hand, all to eager to see whatever this new version of the time machine could do. When the news broadcasted the new invention Joker's eyes sparkled, the more the scientist talked the more gleam Joker's eyes had but what probably really put the nail in the coffin was when the scientist mentioned Joker.

"It has been mentioned before that you've made something similar to this in the past?" The interviewer asked and you could see how the scientist, who Joker didn't bother remembering the name of, stroked his beard as he nodded, "yes, yes, that pesky Joker stole my first version of this invention, luckily I still had the blueprints and the knowledge," his smug reply made Joker stuck his tongue out to the tv, "for an 'amazing' invention, you didn't even bother paying for the security," he mumbled as he dug his spoon into his curry.

"Do you think Kaitou Joker is going to come for this one too?" The interviewer asked to which the scientist shook his head to, "I was foolish last time for not taking his advance notice seriously, but now not even Joker will attempt to steal this with the measures I have taken," he went on to explain some of the million dollar security he paid for while Joker stared at the screen with a raised brow.

"Alright, bet"

Joker opened the case with a grin, a sceen and keyboard greeted him on the inside and when it turned on he cracked his knuckles with a slight giggle. Hachi sighed as he watched Joker play with the machine like a toy, about to leave him to his own devices so he could get started on dinner before he heard the clacking stop and a ringing filling the air.

He raised a brow and turned around to look at Joker who had stopped typing and was just staring at the screen with his hands raised to his sides as the ringing got louder. "What'd you do?" Hachi sighed as he placed his head in his hands, Joker was quick to turn to him with his lips pursed, "I didn't do anything!" He exclaimed with a mildly offended tone.

Joker placed his hands on the keyboard again and started frantically typing, "I just put some numbers in the input and pressed enter", he mumbled as he hit the side of the monitor with his palm as if it would do anything, Hachi stared at him for while but whatever Joker did didn't seem to do anything as the ringing got even louder, with a sigh Hachi came next to him to get a peek at the screen.

It had a loading bar that was quickly filling up but nothing else as Joker uselessly typed away to try to fix it. "Joker-"

He didn't get to finish what he was going to say as the loading finished and they were both hit with a flashbang and their ears popped. They covered their eyes but it was already too late as all Hachi could see was white. "Joker! What did you do?" Hachi exclaimed but with the ringing he wasn't sure if Joker replied to him or not.

It took a few minutes but his eyesight and hearing slowly came back. He could see they were still in the Sky Joker, thankfully this time at least he didn't have to think Joker died, but he could hear something odd.

There was clanking of something that almost sounded like glass nearby but with the slight ringing of his ears he couldn't really tell what it was. He could see a new figure at the other side of the dining table that wasn't there before, they wore a something that somewhat resembled a suit with short puffy shoulder sleeves and pants that only reach their thighs, something long was strapped to their side like Queens scabbard but thinner but what was most peculiar was their hair. It seemed to glow in the light and had an almost alarmingly similar sillhoutte to Joker's, he didn't think even Shadow could make himself look this close to his Master.

Joker seemed to notice the figure as well and was quick to go on the offence by throwing three of his cards towards them. His eyes were still adjusting before he noticed that his aim was off, one of them was coming for their head and another was heading for their neck. He hoped they would dodge, like every other rival he's ever thrown them at, but instead they stood still with their back toward them. His heart stopped for a second at the thought of the cards impaling them, possibly severly hurting or even worse killing them if it hit, and was ready to lunge at them eventhough he knew it'd be too late.

He barely managed to move before the cards hit them with a clank and bounced off their body harmlessly, a cut in their clothes was the only mark left behind.

Joker and Hachi stilled when the other flinched when the cards hit them, they turned around to glare at the cards on the floor and that's when their face was in clear view.

"What the fuck..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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