《Fathers' Day》

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Prompt: Dream and George adopted a child a month ago named Clare and today they had a father-daughter bonding together.

(I literally just combined their real names together. C,l,a from Clay and R,e from George)

Parent AU

No one's POV

Dream and George were peacefully sleeping in their shared bed, when someone bursted to the door, making them startled.

"Daddy! Papa!" She squealed, she was holding a blue teddy bear on one hand and a piece of paper on the other

Behind her was Sapnap. Yes, Dream and George may already be married but they still want Sap to be their roommate, or babysitter if needed.

"Breakfast is ready lovebirds" he sang "and this little one over here won't stop annoying me with her bear" he patted her head

She giggled before climbing on the bed.

She was only 5 years old, she had light brunette hair with small bangs and heterochromia eyes (blue eye on the left, green eye on the right)

"For you!" She exclaimed and gave them the paper

It was a drawing of the 3 of them, holding hands, she drawed Dream and George in a green and blue colored body, and on top of the drawing wrote 'Happy fathers day' but it didn't look like Clare wrote it since her handwriting is sometimes a bit messy.

"Aww, thank you sweetie" Dream and George hugged her close

Meanwhile, Sapnap was pretending to cry in the background.

"You guys are so mean. I helped her wrote that!"

Dream chuckled

"Come here pandas" Sapnap joined the hug "ok come on, the food will get cold"

So they all got changed and went downstairs.

But before George could eat, he put Clare's drawing on the refrigerator and secured it with a magnet.


"I was thinking we should go somewhere" Dream suggested

"Where?" George asked

"Maybe to an indoor playground? Then we can eat at a restaurant or something" Sapnap suggested

"Okay, does that sound good to you princess?" Dream asked Clare

"Yeah!" She exclaimed

"Ok then"

They got changed and Dream made sure Clare wore socks because she won't be allowed in the playground if she isn't wearing any, then they all went into Dream's car.

George also had to make sure Clare was safely buckled into her own booster seat before Dream started the car, about to head to the mall.

They walked around the mall a bit before Clare pointed her finger at something.

Dream saw that she was pointing at a rainbow themed indoor playground.

Dream bended down to her level.

"Do you want to go there?" He asked and she nodded

"Alright, guys let's go"

Dream was busy paying for the 4 of them while George helped Clare remove her shoes off and put it into a white cabinet where shoes are put.

Sapnap was leaning onto something while waiting, he was busy looking somewhere that he didn't even notice that he knocked over a toy on display, almost making him fall.

Dream wheezed at his action before they finally got in to play.

There were some parents playing with their kids together.

Clare immediately ran into a ball pit and played with some plushies that were inside.

George also got into the ball pit and played with her.

Dream thinks that George acts childish sometimes, but he's not complaining though, he thinks it's cute.

Dream grabbed a few balls from the pit. Sapnap thinks that he's just going to play with them but then, he felt something throwed at him.

"You did not just throw a ball at me" Sap said in disbelief

Then he got hit by another one.

"You're on Dream!" He also grabbed a few balls from the pit and throwed it at him

Now Dream and Sapnap were busy throwing balls at each other (get your fucking head out of the gutter) while George introduced Clare with some other toys to play with.


Clare was on top of one of the inflatable slides. George was at the bottom, waiting for him to catch her and Dream was recording on his phone.

Clare slided down until she was in George's arms.

"Got it" Dream watched the video

He walked a bit and didn't notice that he was standing next to the ball pit.

So Sapnap took this as an oppurtunity to push him, making Dream let go of his phone.


"That's what you get from earlier!"

Dream looked around and realized that he can't find his phone.

"George! I need your help"

George rushed up to Dream with Clare right next to him, holding some blocks.

"Sapnap pushed me in here and now i can't find my phone"

"Ok, we'll find it don't worry"

While Dream and George were busy finding Dream's phone in the ball pit, Sapnap was laughing his ass off.

A few minutes later, they were able to find Dream's phone.

They played for 40 more minutes before it was time to leave.

However, Clare doesn't want to leave, she got too attached to her favorite blocks.

"Come on baby, we have to go" George pleaded

"No!" She backed up away from him

"Clare, you can't take the toys from here" George calmly said

"don't want to!" She dropped one of the blocks on the floor then started crying

George sighed and picked her up.

"Look, we promise we'll buy you the exact same blocks later, right Dream?"

"Yeah, we promise sweetie" Dream reasurred

Clare stopped crying but only sniffles can be heard.

Of course, Dream and George being the amazing dads they are, they stumbled upon a toy store and bought her the same blocks from the playground.

When she saw what they bought, she was all giggly again.

They settled on a simple restaurant and ate.

Clare even brought out some blocks from the toy package to play with while waiting for their food.

Today had been a great day for them, even though Clare had a small tantrum, she still love her 2 dads.

(That was so fucking cute, i can't rn)

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