The academy

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We were all looking at Arthur, leaping in the path of the S class beast. I couldn't even help, I would just be in the way.

"Hey, where are you go- ARGH!"

I turned to the source of the voice. It turns out it was Reginald, that has been burned by a spell conjured by Lucas

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" roared Elijah

"You think I'd risk my life to help all of you escape? Be honored that you'll be the valiant heroes that stalled the beast enough for me to escape! I'll tell everyone all about your courageous deeds!" he scoffed, turning back just to shoot me an arrogant smirk before conjuring a smokescreen.

 I fired a wind bullet at him, but he was already gone. We immediately went ahead to treat Reginald's wound, as he wasn't reinforced with mana.


I wish I could do anything, to help Note in any way. Seeing Note blow up the elderwood guardian's hand off with just a fire magic spell has made me convinced that he does not belong to anything lower than an SS class, and he might even belong much higher than that.

A mountain of ice was suddenly conjured, effortlessly going through the elderwood guardian's body.

Purple lightning proceeded to turn the elderwood guardian into a pile of charcoal, burnt to a crisp within a second.

"Alright, let's go." said Note as he landed in front of us.


The second phase of my beast will - Realmheart, as I called it, allowed me to gain unparalleled control and efficiency in controlling mana. What took effort before I was now able to do effortlessly, seeing the particles of mana themselves and being able to shape them to my will.

When we strolled out the dungeon, we all went to tell the guild what happened and what Lucas had done. What we didn't expect was to find him still running away from the dungeon in terror.

I appeared before him

"Hello, I certainly didn't expect to meet you here. What is such a filthy traitor doing, running around free when he committed an attempted murder." I said as I let most of my bloodlust out

Lucas's face turned pale, but he managed to stammer out

"S-so, you survived huh? How's that idiot that I shot with a fireba-" *wizz*

A sword suddenly wizzed right past him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my sword slipped and it seems your ear was in its path."

Lucas, after touching his ear, got a horrified expression, sprinting full speed back to the adventurers guild.

After sorting everything out at the adventurers guild, and a fake trial where they supposedly kicked me out of Xyrus,  we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I then made my way home along with Elijah, got a tearful greeting from my sister and parents, and went to sleep.

the next day

Ever since I obtained the beast core, I could tell there was a beast will inside. However, my sharpened senses and my gut were both screaming at me not to give it to Tessia. I wonder how she's doing (tessia NOT the ship chill)

"Sylv, catch" I said as I threw the core like a dog treat.

As soon as she had eaten the core, I could sense her power grow. It was worth it.

visiting gideon

"Greetings. Master Gideon is not—ah, hello, Master Vincent, please come in," he greeted, motioning us inside. Judging by the stern expression the butler had for a split second before realizing who we were, I'd have to guess that this Gideon person wasn't very welcoming of guests.

As we stepped inside, a foul mixture of metal, herbs, and rotting material bombarded my nose. While the exterior of the facility was hardly grandiose, the inside was even less appealing to look at. The whole place was a mess with tools scattered with no order, piles of discarded clothes and other miscellaneous items littered across the floor, and rather intriguing and unfamiliar raw materials stacked high atop shelves. There were also microscopes and other tools that appeared vaguely familiar to the ones in my old world.

"Himes! I told you not to let anyone—Oh, it's you, Vincent. I see you've come to bother me again." From the dim corner of a back room, a very short, hunched man made his way over.

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