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It seems like a battle of unseen proportions has taken place, the trees in a huge radius fallen down or ripped out of the ground, and an enormous crater reaching at least 250 meters in diameter and 50 meters in depth. A huge number of black spikes were sticking out of the ground, along with smaller craters all around.

"I have located the princess, there is an unknown person approaching her. You have permission to attack." Varay said, creating multiple ice spears and shooting them at the enemy. Four golems of magma and earth were created around the enemy by Olfred. 

The attacks closing in on Arthur Leywin suddenly 'broke', the icicle breaking into small pieces of ice while the golems melted, spewing magma everywhere.

After closer inspection, the enemy had white hair ending in orange, pale skin with complex runes etched onto it and a.. a Teal blade!

"Cease fire! That man is Ar-!" My yell got interrupted, as Arthur Leywin looked at us, releasing a pressure that even Varay had a lot of trouble withstanding. Amplifying his voice, he said

"I am not in the mood to deal with you ordering me around, leave." 

He sounded angry, with every word releasing more and more bloodlust at no one in particular. 

Turning to Varay, I said. "We should go, he sounds like he doesn't want to be disturbed." 

She seemed to think about it, but said.

"What are you planning on doing with the princess?"

"Use her as a portable food source." - The princess giggled at this - "No, what do you think? Obviously taking her back safely, because I am the only one who can protect her. You can't, not from the beings I've fought here a little while ago."

"I am entrusting the princess to you, Arthur, but only because she trusts you."

Said Varay, gesturing us to follow her as she flew away.


Walking into the barrier, I wanted to relax a bit before taking off. I sat down on one of the tree logs, thinking about what I could have done differently.

I knew that Varay had actually not flown away, but was instead camping a few hundred meters away, shadowing our every move.

Kath approached me with a somber face.

"A-arthur, don't be so angry. You saved us."

"But I let two of them escape! In the grand scheme of things I didn't do anything! I tunnel visioned on one of them because of my petty revenge!" I yelled

Seeing Kathyln take a step back, I realize I've let out a bit of my bloodlust.

"I'm sorry Kath, I didn't mean to take it out on you. It's just that I've failed, and now I will have to deal with the Asuras of Alacrya possibly coming after me."

Kathyln got an angry expression.

"You haven't failed! Yet again you just failed to live up to your impossible standards! You can't be so hard on yourself, you saved the lives of everyone here!" she shouted, pulling me into a hug which I desperately needed.

"Let's go to the castle, Art. You need to relax a little bit, alright?"

I nodded

"You're right.. Sylv, can you handle so many people? I'm exhausted."

"Yeah, It's fine." She said as she transformed into a dragon again.

'I thought you didn't need to sleep?' she added telepathically

TBATE: Born as a god (BEING REWRITTEN, CLICK PROFILE FOR NEW VERSION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora