chapter 60

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" long time no see TT"

Upon hearing this Taehyung immediately stood up from his chair and was making his way out of the room that's when
Mr.Han grabbed his waist from behind and pulled him towards his chest.

Tae yelled out a loud whimper, This person's filthy hands was touching what's not his but only Jungkook's. He felt very disgusted by this man.

Not even wanting to have a conversation with this man or even speak a word with him taehyung was continuously fighting to move of his grip that's when a rough hand circled his waist and a breath was fanning near his ear.

Taehyung was soo scared of this man.

With a deep, husky, aged voice spoke making taehyung scared even more.

" TT Daddy missed you soooo much, now that you are back Daddy will have his little toy back only for himself." Said Mr Han.

At this time the tears taehyung was holding back escaped, making its way down his face.

He was continuously whispering, slightly sobbing,thrashing his hands, still trying to get out of this filthy man's hold but

As he moved, the grip upon his waist only tighten to keep him in place, his body getting more flushed to Mr.Han's body.

As his body touched Mr Jan's chest, something poked his butt, realising what it was tae stood there numb while his tears were continuously flowing.

" See TT you still make me hard even after soo many years of not having your touch. My mind, my heart, my body and......

Mr. Han kissed his earlob and said,

" And my dick missed your mouth's warmth. How good you use to suck the life out of it, how good-"

Mr. Han was imagining those things in his head while taehyung was feeling very disgusted.

"S-s-stop please s-stop t-this" taehyung was badly shaking now.

" How can I baby? I haven't even started anything, ummm what about we take this to the couch?? Your mother in law won't be coming this soon."

This statement made Taehyung's eyes go wide. Mr Han started dragging taehyung to the couch.

Even being dragged, taehyung didn't stop thrashing his hands and legs, wanting to make an escape.

Suddenly a loud sound of ringtone was heard. It was his phone. It was his husband Jungkook calling him.

"His work must have been finished. I need to get to the phone." Taehyung thought in his mind.

Wanting to reach to his phone, taehyung elbowed me Han in his ribcage which made the grip on his waist loosen.

Just one of the anything that reminds him of Jungkook, makes him stronger. His love is there waiting for him and he needs to get to him as soon as possible.

As he just reached the table to get his phone the call ended.

"Wait you bitch, how do you do this to your master?? Did you forget what happens when you disobey me?? Huh??" Roared Mr Han.

As taehyung was about to make a run Mr Han grabbed him by his hairs which pained taehyung soo much.

"You were mine and always will-"before Mr Han got to complete his sentence Taehyung back kicked  Me Han in his crotch.

This hit made Me Han go to his knees, holding his crotch with both of his hands.

Taehyung hurriedly took his phone and. Bag and made a run towards the door.

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