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Just as I had been at my lowest, my sight was caught by a help wanted sign. It was at a local grocery store where I had moved to. I believe the man running it was named Malcolm.

I had entered the small shop, flyer in hand and a bright grin on my face. I had, apparently, struck Malcom as the caring type. That’s why he hired me.

Two months later, or perhaps it was three, no matter, some time after, Malcom came to me with a proposition. He had said,

“Listen, Michael, I understand if you don’t want to, but I was thinking maybe you would like a pay raise. Unfortunately, it would not be me giving it to you.”

I had simply smiled, and gestured for him to continue. Malcom had hesitated, as if scared he would be sending me to my doom. He replied with,

“The Heelshires, the ones I’ve spoken to you about before, need a Nanny for their son, Brahms.”

And that was how I ended up in their parlor, Malcom at my side, and suitcases in hand. Malcom smiled at me, placing a hand on my shoulder to push ne deeper into the house.

“This place is beautiful.” I smiled, politely. Malcom chuckled, nervously.

“Yes, I guess it is.”

We waited in the kitchen for Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire. They were an elderly couple. Frail, if you will. Mrs. Heelshire had shooed Malcom off, grasping my shoulder with desperation to lead me to Mr. Heelshire. Behind the old man was a chair. And a pair of feet.

“You must be Mr. Lockhart.” She smiled, before it wavered, lightly. I nodded.

“Yes, that is me.”

Mr. Heelshire sighed, standing up with a groan, knees and back protesting against him. Mrs. Heelshire's smile returned, although, to me, it seemed forced. As if someone else was watching.

Mr. Heelshire stepped aside, embracing his wife in a side hug. Behind them sat a doll. Strangely life-like. I smiled at them.

“This must be Brahms, then?” I asked, politely. I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, but I supposed it wouldn’t make much if a difference whether the child was alive, or not.

Mrs. Heelshire's smile brightened. “Oh, yes. This is our dear boy. Many of Nannies have backed out upon seeing him. Others, he refused. We wish to see how well you are to take care of him. He has a list. A schedule, if you will.”

Mr. Heelshire nodded from her right. I stepped over to Brahms, kneeling before him. His eyes seemed, alive. The most lovely shade of brown. Like honey.

“Hello, Brahms. It’s lovely to meet you.” I said, taking his small, porcelain hand in my own. “My name is Mr. Lockhart, but I’d like you to call me Michael. Or maybe Mikey, if you’d like.”

I caught a glimpse of Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire smiling lightly at each other. I gave Brahms a final smile, and stood to face them.

“I’d love to take care of Brahms, if he’ll have me.” I said, laying my hand on the top of the chair Brahms was sat in. The two nodded, mainly towards each other.

“Yes, well, we will just have to see. Now, come along. I must show you Brahms' routine.” She smiled, but stepped away from the doll. I nodded, picking Brahms up, carefully. I certainly did not want to crack him. “Come with me, up the stairs we go.”


Mrs. Heelshire had showed me Brahms’ entire daily routine. Now we were in his bedroom.. She had set him in bed, and asked me to wake him.

I stepped to the side of the bed, and I brushed away a fallen strand of faux hair. “It’s time to get up, Brahms.”

My voice was clear, and loud, as Mrs. Heelshire had instructed, yet I was gentle and calm. Carefully, I placed a hand under each of his arms to life him up against my chest. I sat down in the rocking chair that sat at the foot of his bed. I changed him, Mrs. Heelshire watched the whole time, correcting any mistakes I made. Which was only his tie.

I followed the woman down the stairs, and she instructed me to leave Brahms with her and find Mr. Heelshire outside in the garden. I gathered my coat, slipping it on, but couldn’t seem to find my hat..

“Mrs. Heelshire?” I called, politely. She glanced up at me, nodding in question. “You wouldn’t have happened to see a purple and orange knit hat, would you?”

Her face paled, before she stepped closer. “Perhaps it was Brahms. He can be… playful at times.”

I nodded with a small smile, digging through my bag to find my spare. This one was colored a pale yellow and it fit against my curly, red hair, nicely. At least, in my opinion, it did. I stepped outside from the kitchen door, finding Mr. Heelshire next to a tree, a wooden box at his feet. Once I was next to him, he began to speak.

“You only need to do this two or three times a week, more if you hear scratching in the walls. Brahms was never fond of vermin, or animals in general.” He said, showing me how to open the trap, dumping the dead rat in a garbage bag. “There aren’t any traps inside. Wouldn’t want Brahms to step on one of them.”

I nodded in agreement, and we continued along a path. Once we had neared the door to go back inside, Mr. Heelshire paused, a light chuckled passing through his lips, which were cracked from the crisp fall air.

“You know,” He started, and amused look on his face, “the other Nannies have asked question after question, and yet… you ask none.”

“It’s not my place to ask why you wish for me to watch over the doll that has replaced you son. I did my homework. I understand why the two of you are so secretive. But mark my words, sir, I will follow the list to the last letter.” I smiled, taking in a deep breath. The air here was calming, crisp, and chilly. Nothing like the city and I was all the more for it.

He nodded, opening the door for me. I stepped inside to see Mrs. Heelshire with Brahms on her waist.

“I hope Brahms likes this one.” He smiled, gently. His wife nodded, eyeing me. I unbuttoned my coat, tugging the hat off my head. The couple instructed me to wait outside of the bedroom while they spoke to Brahms. I leant up against the wall, smiling to myself. I would have very much liked the meet the actual Brahms, but I suppose my wish wouldn’t come true.

The door swung open, the couple stepping out with smiles. “Brahms likes you.” Mrs. Heelshire grinned. I smiled, warmly.

“Now, we’ll show you your room. It’s actually just behind you there. I’ve brought your things in there. We’re off to bed, but you’re welcome to say goodnight to Brahms.” Mr. Heelshire offered.

“Of course. I will see you in the morning, then.” I said, stepping towards Brahms' room. They gave me a final smile, walking down the hall. I entered Brahms room, kneeling next to his bed. I have him a nervous chuckle. “I’m not sure if you’d want goodnight kisses from me but I will give them to you until you tell me to stop.”

The wall to my left creaked, and I glanced up, finding a small hole in the wallpaper.

Rats, I thought. I’ll check the traps again tomorrow.

I turned back to Brahms, lightly kissing him on the forehead. “Goodnight, Brahms. Sweet dreams.”

I stood, flicking the light off, finding myself ready for bed. I eyed the phone, but realized, that I would have no one to call, so I faced myself in the mirror. I tousled my hair, the curls falling straight back into place. I smiled at myself, watching how my blue eyes twinkled. I had changed into a shirt and shorts moments before.

Now under the covers, I reached for the lamp, tugging the cord. Now, in the darkness, I fell asleep to someone humming a song.

Broken Shadow ☆ Brahms x Male ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora