Consumed by wrath

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Seeing the pulverized castle.. I felt helplessness, guilt. If I had just been here and didn't go flaunting my power at the Victoriad, this could have been prevented.

I was running my hand through the ashen remains of the castle, when Sylvie's ears perked up. "Arthur, there are sounds of battle in the distance. Go, while there's still someone left to save!"

This knocked me out of my trance of self pity as I instantly took off towards the battle going on in the distance.

"Arthur, is your family alright?" Asked Sylv with a distressed voice.

"The kings and queens escaped through a special evacuation portal along with my family, courtesy to Virion. It leads straight to the wall, they should be safe there."

Anger flared within me as I scanned the battleground, seeing corpses of soldiers and ordinary people everywhere, the ground soaked in fresh blood as the overwhelming scent of hit my nose. It seems the inhabitants of the castle almost managed to evacuate, but their efforts were in vain. 

Observing the fight, I saw a wounded Varay along with Kath fighting off two figures I haven't seen before, Aya with Bairon fighting off another in the distance and a fourth one causing havoc in the distance toying around with a barely conscious Mica.

'The Wraiths' - scoffed Regis - 'Agrona's little secret half-bloods.'

It couldn't be called a fight, the wraiths were.. toying with them. They were obviously stronger than Scythes, trash talking the entire time while effortlessly dodging and overpowering their opponents' attacks.

"Sylv, help the wounded. Regis, go help Mica, then Bairon and Aya." I said in a stern voice.

I Godstepped towards one of the female wraiths and delivered a powerful spinning kick to her abdomen that sent her flying towards the ground at ludicrous speeds, the impact creating a small crater.

"H-huh?" - Kath's eyes gleamed. - "Arthur, you're back!"

I ignored her for the time being, turning to face the other wraith. Folding the space between us, I found myself directly in front of him.

Ice spread out from my fingers, branching out and enveloping the wraith. Mana coalesced as he tried to attack, the black mana getting instantly dispelled.

The female wraith stood up, blood leaking from her head and arm. Extending my hand, the distance between us shortened, her neck suddenly close enough for me to grip it.

A terrified expression appeared on her face as the female wraith stammered. "Y-you..." - she gasped for breath - "You were supposed to be dead!"

The many attacks the wraiths tried to execute were swiftly dispelled as I released even more pressure, staring into her empty eyes. "You were a fool to come here." I said, rage finally leaking through the cracks in my cold facade.

The Wraith chuckled. "Your struggles are.. meaningless. You are never going to win against Agrona."

With just a thought, universe flames enveloped the wraiths, burning their bodies but leaving their trinkets intact, which I collected into my necklace.

One last word escaped my mouth as I turned around, letting the wraiths burn. "Fodder"

Sylv approached Varay, using a Vivum to heal the large wound across her chest. "You were lucky, if the wound was any deeper, it would have hit your heart."

Varay looked at me and snickered. "A grand entrance again, huh?"

Regis finished his fights, bringing the two wraiths over to me in his mouth. "All done, sir." He said in an overly serious voice, saluting with his paw.

TBATE: Born as a god (BEING REWRITTEN, CLICK PROFILE FOR NEW VERSION)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora