Chapter 7. UA Sports Festival

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[POV Change]



Things weren't over just yet, however, as the other two villains were now charging at All Might. Midoriya didn't seem to just stand back, as he appeared in front of the two and tried to send a punch at them. Unfortunately for him, things didn't seem to go according to plan, as the man who scattered us around earlier got in front of the other villain, which would have made Midoriya's attack obsolete. The other villain also reached out for Midoriya, his hand teleporting through the man's body and about to touch Midoriya's face. Thankfully for Midoriya, I was able to predict that the villain would do this since his body turned towards Midoriya and his vibrations made it clear that he was about to reach out for the young boy. Because of this, I was able to raise a pillar from under him and make it hit him in the chest just before he touched Midoriya, causing him to fall back and remove his hand from the other villain's body. As he was about to get up, multiple gun shots went through his torso, effectively removing him from the fight as the other villain covered for him, making the bullets disappear as they hit his body. His body then began to get sucked away, however, as Thirteen was using her Quirk on him. Luckily for them, but unluckily for us, the two disappeared just as they had appeared. It was all over for now.



[(Y/N) POV] 

After what just happened, I was standing with Bakugo and the boy from the entrance exam. The heroes had arrived a few minutes earlier and took care of the villains that remained at the facility. We were with the spiky-haired boy, but he ran off a few seconds ago to see if All Might and Midoriya were alright. I felt him running back to us, however, and his heartbeat didn't increase, so it didn't seem like he found out about Midoriya and All Might's secret. "Hey, he said to gather in front of the gate!" He told us, gaining the attention of Bakugo and the boy from the entrance exam. No one said anything in response, as we all just headed to the gate as instructed. Once there, we were all told to gather up so that the police could tell if anyone was missing. I was standing in the middle of the crowd and could tell through the ground that everyone was here except for Midoriya. I knew that he wouldn't be here right now since I felt the bones in his legs shatter as he tried to attack the villains and save All Might. A man then began to count all the students but slowed down as he reached the later numbers. "15, 16, 17, 18... there should be one more person here other than the boy with both legs seriously unharmed." He said worried, worrying some of the students. "Do you know who's missing?" The girl with the horns coming out of her head asked. "There should be a picture and name." He told her as he began looking through the papers he was holding. "There. (Y/N) Beifong." He said, causing me to raise my hand. "I'm right here," I told him, causing people to move so that he could see me and causing the girl with horns to let out a sigh of relief. I had a suspicion as to why he couldn't see me, and it had to do with my height. According to others, I had a height of 4'3, which was apparently very short according to what my parents and the doctor told me. I could tell since I barely reached the waist of most of the students in the class, which could have made me look hidden from the guy who was checking out numbers. Maybe I should have stood at the front like the short boy with balls on his head.


Classroom 1-A

Not too much later, we were all back in the school and sitting in the seats we always sat in. Pretty much everyone in the class was talking, mostly about All Might. That was all interrupted, however, as Engine Boy stormed to the front of the classroom. "Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" He ordered, failing to realise that he was the only one standing. This caused him to sit down in his seat while filled with embarrassment, causing me to laugh, which made him even more embarrassed. "Morning." A voice at the door said, surprising everyone ad they saw it was Mr Aizawa with his face and arms fully wrapped in bandages. "Mr Aizawa, you're back too soon!" Most of the class yelled in shock, not expecting someone who suffered his type of injuries to be back at work so soon. "You're too much of a pro!" Kaminari commented as he got a bit scared. "So you're all right, Mr Aizawa?" Engine Boy asked as he raised his hand. "My well-being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight is not yet over," Aizawa answered as he walked to the front of the class, unsettling some of the students in the class as they thought about the villains at USJ.

"The UA Sports Festival is drawing near." He continued, making a smirk make its way onto my face. "A Sports Festival, huh? Would be a good time to show off my skills." I confidently while slightly leaning back in my chair, much to the anger of Engine Boy. "Don't lean back in your chair, (Y/N)! It's disrespectful and you could hurt yourself!" He angrily yelled at me while karate chopping the air. "Mind your business and eat shit, Engine Boy!" I angrily yelled back at him. "Is that any way to talk to a classmate?!" He rhetorically asked, but before I could respond we were interrupted by the class. "That's a super normal school event!" The class happily exclaimed in unison. "Wait a minute," Kaminari said, creating some silence in the class. "Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" The girl with ear jacks for earlobes asked. "Oh, c'mon. Don't be a party pooper, iPod." I told her, making her shoot me a small glare. "Apparently, they think of it as UA showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years." He answered, putting some of the students at ease.

"Above all, our Sports Festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains. Our Sports Festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the UA Sports Festival!" He explained, painting a clear picture for anyone that didn't understand. "Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching. For scouting purposes!" Yaoyorozu then said while making a fist. "After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick." Kaminari then said while giving a thumbs up. I have no idea why everyone suddenly became an expert at making things clear. "A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though. Kaminari, I feel like you'd be one of them. Since you're dumb." iPod pointed out, shooting down Kaminari's mood and making me chuckle. "Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year. A total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!" Mr Aizawa advised us, and in my opinion, it was some very good advice. I would take it to the heart if I hadn't done so already. "Homeroom is dismissed." He then said, ending things on a calmer note.

Time had passed since then like it normally does, and so it was now lunchtime. As usual, I was sitting by myself and eating, but it seemed like that would change as I felt the vibrations of three people walking over to my table with food trays in their hands. The girl with the horns on her head, the spiky-haired boy, and Kaminari. "Yo, (Y/N)!" The girl with the horns on her head greeted. "Can we sit here?" Kaminari then asked, pleasantly surprising me. "Sure, be my guests," I answered while nodding my head. There was space for only two people on each side of the table, so I scooted in so that the three of them wouldn't have to squeeze into one side. The girl with the horns on her head sat down next to me while Kaminari and the spiky-haired boy sat down opposite us. "Tokoyami told us about how you took down four villains in under a minute all by yourself!" Kaminari exclaimed before taking a bite from his food. "Yeah, and Kirishima told us that you saved Midoriya's life!" The girl with the horns added on. "Mhm, this villain guy was about to like touch Midoriya and kill him but (Y/N) pushed him back with his Quirk before the guy even got close to Midoriya." Kirishima further explained, not giving me a chance to speak. "Well, both Tokoyami and Kirishima are correct. The villains that I beat weren't that strong, though. It took one attack to beat each." I responded, making things a bit clearer. "That doesn't matter, it was your first time fighting villains and you came out on top with ease." The girl with the horns on her head said to try and make me feel prouder of the achievement. "Mina's right. When I first saw the villains I was scared stiff. I had to get a starting push from Jirou to fight the villains. Literally." Kaminari then admitted. So Mina is her name. It has a nice ring to it if I'm being honest. I then smiled as they continued to speak, happy to finally have someone to speak to other than my butler. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Kirishima needs some credit as well, though. When I got to the scene with All Might and the villains, he was helping Bakugo take down the weird portal guy." I pointed out before taking a bite out of my food.

Blind Sense (Male Toph Reader X MHA) [DISCONTINUED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora