Chapter 10. Round 2

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[POV Change]



I then felt that he was about to hit them with what seemed like a piece of metal from the robots, and I had to intervene if I didn't want him getting launched into the air where I couldn't tell where he was. As he began to lower the piece of metal, I instantly raised a dome around the landmines in a jolt of panic, blocking them from him and blocking the piece of metal. He then repeatedly tries to get rid of the dome, but all he did was chip off at the thick stone that covered the landmines. I let out a sigh of relief in response as I then felt him throw away the piece of metal and begin to run across the last obstacle. Meanwhile, I hadn't stopped skating, continuing to get closer to the entrance of the stadium. Halfy and Bakugo weren't that far behind me, however, so I had to stay wary. I also began to skate faster so that I could win faster. A smirk made its way onto my face as I could feel a hallway ahead. When I got close, I jumped off and began to run on the ground of the hallway. My smirk turned into a grin as I then entered the stadium once again, making me the winner of the obstacle race. The audience erupted in cheers as they saw me. Seconds later, Halfy and Bakugo made it into the stadium as well, making the audience cheer again. "(Y/N)!" I then heard a voice exclaim, causing me to widen my eyes. It was a familiar voice, and I turned to it, I recognised it as that of my mother's. Was she in the audience? "You did well!" I then heard another voice yell, making my eyes widen further. That was my father's voice. "You did well, indeed, Master (Y/N)." A third voice from the audience then congratulated me, and I recognised it as the voice of Alfred, my butler. What were the three of them doing in the audience?

UA Sports Festival Stadium

[(Y/N) POV]

After the congratulatory voices quieted down, I used my Quirk to locate them. I raised the ground under my feet, creating an extremely tall pillar that led me to the location of my parents and butler. I then jumped off, causing to stand in front of my parents and butler while many people in the audience cheered as they saw me in the middle of the stands. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, although it was hard for them to hear me with everyone in the audience still cheering. "We're here to cheer you on and watch you compete, of course!" My mother happily answered as she looked down at me. "How come? When I tried to enrol in UA, you guys were so against it. So how come you're both cheering me on now?" I then asked as I raised an eyebrow, not convinced by my mother's answer. "It was with my help, Master (Y/N)," Alfred answered, making me bring my attention to him. "I was able to get my hands on footage of you in the Entrance Exam and footage of you in USJ by telling the school about my relation to you and buying it off of their hands. I showed it to your parents to show them how strong you actually were. They were still against the idea of coming here and supporting you, however, so I had to tell them about how you always told me about your admiration to be a hero that you had since you were a child and how you always wanted to prove that a blind person was just as good as a person who could see. I may have also lectured them about being better parents and being more supportive of their child. It's somewhat of a miracle I haven't been fired." Alfred explained while rubbing the back of his head. "You really risked losing your job for me?" I then asked as I smiled. "Of course I did, Master (Y/N)." Alfred answered, making my smile widen by a lot. "(Y/N) Beifong, you need to get back to the competition area within the next 10 seconds or you will be disqualified." I then heard a voice say through a microphone, making my smile disappear. "I'll talk to you guys later, and thank you, Alfred!" I exclaimed to the three of them before getting back onto the pillar I had created earlier and using it to get back to the ground.

After making sure the pillar was back in the ground, I made my way to where everyone else was. Once again, Midnight was in front of us and standing on a stage. There was a big difference this time, however, as I sensed only 41 people contestants around me. "The top 42 made it through to the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine." Midnight announced while licking her lips, causing me to get a little bit uncomfortable. "The real competition begins next! The press cavalary'll be all over it! Give it your all! Now then, here is the second game." She said as I assumed the screen behind her chose something for the second round. "I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be?" Midnight then taunted while waving around her whip that wasn't meant for battle. "I just said it, and now here it is..." She said as I assumed the screen behind her showed what the second round was. "A Cavalry Battle? I'm bad at those..." Kaminari then nervously admitted, stopping me from asking what the second round was going to be. Despite just being told what it was, I had no idea what a Cavalry Battle was. If I had to guess, I'd say that it was a game that commoners and peasants played for fun.

"Let me explain. The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular Cavalry Battle, but the one thing that's different is... based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value." She explained, causing some students to start talking. "You guys don't hold back even though I'm talking, huh?!" She angrily and rhetorically asked. "Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. So 42nd place gets five points, and 41st gets ten points! And the point value assigned to first place is... ten million!" She announced loudly, making me smirk. As I then felt all the contestants staring at me, my smirk widened mischievously. "That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!" Midnight pointed out, fanning the fire of ideas that the students had. "Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear that many times as you attend UA. This is what Plus Ultra means! (Y/N) Beifong, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!" She then declared while pointing the whip at me.

"Now then, I will explain the rules of the Cavalry Battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out! During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your Quirks. But it is still a Cavalry Battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately. Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!" Midnight then explained and ordered, causing the heartbeats of some of the contestants to increase. I had decided to not approach anybody and instead wait for them to ask me to be on their team. About 10 minutes had passed before I sensed some people approaching me. The group consisted of 4 people, those 4 people being Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, and some other guy who I sensed had weird elbows. "Hey, Shrimp. Join us." Bakugo said as I turned to him. "Sure, I love doing charity work!" I replied while smiling and making Bakugo a bit pissed off. "Wait. The limit is 4 members, Bakugo." Kirishima then pointed out. "Oh yeah. You can leave then. The Shrimp can do what you can do with his Quirk and more." Bakugo responded, shocking Kirishima. "B-but I was there with you at USJ! I helped you!" Kirishima yelled, trying to convince Bakugo to let him back into the group. "I don't need friends here. I need people that will make me win."

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