《Come Over》

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Prompt: George purposely told Dream to buy a lot of stuff from the store so he could leave the house and make him think like he'll invite someone over while he was gone.

No one's POV

George was in the living room, scrolling through his phone while Dream was upstairs editing a video they recorded 3 days ago.

George was bored out of his mind so he did something any person would do, go to tiktok.

He scrolled through dancing videos until he stumbled upon a different video.

"Texting my boyfriend 'he's gone, you can come over now' to see his reaction"

The girl was laughing behind the camera, her boyfriend was outside, about to get into his car until he saw what she sent him.

He quickly ran from the driveway until he was inside.

George laughed at this. He wondered if Dream was this overprotective if he was the one to do this.

Actually, there's no if here, Dream is busy with editing a lot lately so why not make him give George the attention he wanted.

George continued to watch a few tiktoks before he got bored again.

He stood up and walked upstairs. He entered his and Dream's shared bedroom.

"Dream?" George called

Dream didn't hear it though, he was wearing his headphones.


Still no answer.

George sighed before he walked towards him. Dream was so focused on his computer screen that he didn't notice that George took his headphones off.

"Wha- hey!"

"Why hello Dream" George smiled

"Oh, hi, what do you need?" Dream asked

"Can we cuddle please?" George asked with cute eyes

"Later" Dream took the headphones back "i need to finish this"

Before Dream could even put on his headphones, George spoke.

"Dream can you go to the store later? We're running out of food"

"Uhm...sure" Dream went back to editing

George grinned. He slowly ran downstairs and went in the kitchen.

How is Dream going to buy food from the store when their fridge still has a lot you may ask? Well, for George, he'll hide it in the cupboards and in the pantry.

George was busy for 15 minutes, trying to carefully place some main ingredients and shit in the pantry because he ended up spilling some orange juice and cracked 2 eggs because he thought he heard Dream's footsteps so he paced up.

After a lot of cleaning while making sure that the fridge looked empty, he called for Dream.

Dream was done editing 10 minutes ago so he spent his remaining time playing on minecraft.

When Dream heard George, he quickly went downstairs.


"Can you go to the store now please?"

"Fine" Dream went back upstairs to get changed

George followed behind him, he started to say a long list of groceries they need.

"We need eggs, juice, bread, milk, cereal, cooking oil, cat food, we also ran out of cookies and chips-"

"Jesus christ, that's a lot" Dream put on a pair of jeans and a simple hoodie

"Yeah, i know" George mumbled

"What was that?" Dream took his phone and keys


Dream kissed George and waved goodbye before he left the house.

George ran towards the window and took his phone out.

He went to Dream's contact and started typing.

"He's gone, you can come over now cutie"

George even put a winky face and the sweat emoji. He quietly laughed.

He saw Dream getting in his car and drove out of the driveway.

When he disappeared, George sent the text.

Dream's POV

I put the keys into the ignition and started driving out in the road.

I was on my way to the store when i suddenly got a text notification. It was George.

"He's gone, you can come over now cutie"

I reread the message over and over again. I quickly stepped on the brakes and turned the car around. He better not be with someone right now.

No one's POV

George saw that Dream read his text. He quickly ran upstairs to their bedroom.

He took a few pillows and put it on Dream's side of the bed. He then covered himself and the pillows with the blanket to make it seem like...they were doing something under the sheets.

He heard Dream's car pull up the driveway and the door slam open downstairs.

"George?!" He called but got no answer

Dream quietly walked upstairs to their bedroom. He definitely knew George was under the blanket.

"You fucking bitch" he pulled the blanket off and only saw George

"Why hello Dream" George giggled

Dream wasn't laughing though.

"Where is he George?"


"Where the fuck is he George??" Dream looked under the bed, inside the closet and behind the curtains


"Where are you hiding him George??"

"Dream! There's no one here!"

"I'll believe it when I see it"

Dream ran downstairs and checked EVERYWHERE. He even opened all of the cabinets even though a person can't even fit in there.

"You believe me now?" George smiled

"Yeah, but why did you do that?"

"I dunno, it's kinda funny I guess. I know you get jealous when something happens like this" George stiffed a laugh

Dream walked to the door and closed it.


He then walked towards George and gripped on his waist.


"You know...you're right and I wanna make sure you know who you belong to..." Dream smirked

George gulped before Dream carried him quickly upstairs to their bedroom.

(My fingers fucking hurt from all the typing, but I'm good)

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