《Nail Salon》

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Prompt: Dream and Sapnap work at a nail salon. One day, 2 new customers came in.

No one's POV

Today was any ordinry day at a nail salon.

Dream was taking a break from his previous picky client.

His friend walked up to him.

"Hey dude" Sapnap took a sip from his water bottle

"Hey, whatsup?"

"Terrible. I had another client chose a lot of colors to work with"

"I feel you" Dream relaxed himself on one of the cushioned chairs

"I swear if there's another person choosing to pick a lot of nail polish, i'm gonna-"

They both then heard a small ding from the door.

They felt like they want to jump from the counter when they saw 2 brunettes walk in. They heard them talking.

"What color are you going to chose?"

"Probably a cute shade of blue"

Sapnap was staring at one of them who was wearing a multi colored hoodie. Meanwhile, Dream was practically drooling over the one who was wearing a blue sweatshirt.

They saw them both looking at the variety of nail polish on the shelf next to some seats.

It was safe to say that Dream and Sapnap wanted to talk to them.

"Hi! Excuse me please?" They heard the boy in the hoodie call them

Sapnap was nervous before he walked towards them, Dream following behind him, nail kits in his hand.

"Y-yes?" Sapnap asked

"Can 1 person pick 2 or more colors of polish?" He asked

"Karl, i already told you they don't do these kinds of requests" the other boy spoke

Sapnap took note of his name.

"Uh, yes, i can actually do that for you if you want" he gave him a smile, but Dream really had to ruin his chance

"Really Sap? Didn't you just told me earlier that you couldn't handle another person who have to choose a lot of color-"

Sapnap shut him up by hitting his arm with one of the nail files on his hand.

"Oh, you don't?"

"Yes, i-i mean, no, i- what my friend is supposed to say is...we do"

"I mean, if you don't then that's fine. Come on, George, let's find another salon"

Now, Dream took note of his name.

They saw them approaching the door.

"No! I- we actually do, my friend here was just being annoying"

"Oh, ok!"

Karl and George walked back to the shelf, picking out their color.

While they were busy, Sapnap practically pushed Dream in the back.

"Dude, what the fuck??"

"What? You said you can't do another client's nails when there's a lot of nail polish involved"

"Yeah, but-"

"Ohhh, you wanna talk to him don't you?" Dream teased "what was his name again?"

"His name is Karl, Dream, and let me guess, you wanna talk to George do you?"

"I- ok, maybe i do-"

"Told ya"

"Oh come on, you were mad when you were painting that old lady's nails but when he entered the salon, you immediately agreed. You're a simp for him Sap"

"Dream you-"

"Hello? We're done!" Karl called from the counter

Dream and Sapnap inhaled deeply and exhaled before they walked out of the back.

They both saw the brunettes sitting next to each other on the cushioned seats.

Dream gave Sapnap his nail kit before they walked towards them.

"So, what are we going to be working today?" Dream asked

"I chose a purple, orange and a black one" Karl gave a smile

"I chose a baby blue one and a glittery one for the top coat" George spoke

Dream noticed his strong british accent.

"You're british"

"Yeah, no shit"

That made Karl laugh. Sapnap felt like that was music to his ears.

"Ok, mani or pedi?"

"Manicure for me" Karl answered

"Both for me" George answered

Sapnap smiled but, Dream blushed. That means he has to give him a foot massage as well which will make his heart explode.

Sapnap started cleaning Karl's nails, the same is for Dream to George.

Dream massaged George's hands while the polish was drying.

"Your hands are so soft"

"Thank you" George smiled

When Dream was about to do his pedicure, he covered his red face with his free hand. He had to swallow the butterflies that was escaping through his throat.

Time skip - when their nails are done

When Karl and George thanked them and were about to leave, Sapnap spoke.

"hey! Uh- Karl?"

Karl turned around.

"uhm...is it okay if i could...get your number?"

Karl stared at him for a few seconds before he smiled.


When Karl gave him his number, Dream also had the courage to ask for George's number too, in which, the brunette agreed.

After the 2 boys left, Dream and Sapnap practically screamed like girls while holding their phones in the storage room.

(I'm sorry if it's been so long since I've updated. Class just started a week ago and that made me not have enough time to write here)

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