Chapter XXIX

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"You sure you still wanna go to school?" Beyoncé asks now being the one worried about Blue's schooling.

"Yes." Blue says simply before walking into the car, at first she was worried about going to school but now she was actually worried about what would happen if she didn't go.

The twins got into the car behind her getting into their car seats which Beyoncé helped them buckle up.

Beyoncé wasn't dropping them off today- Julius was gonna do it-while she stayed at home with Nicki.

They'd ordered in a breast pump the day before to make lactating much easier which in all honesty she was worried about trying.


"Umm.. I don't know how to use this." Beyoncé states holding the pump towards Nicki.

"It's not that hard B, just hold and pump." She sighs dropping Papa down on the couch who just stared at them with slight confusion on his face.

Beyoncé was already topless so all she did was hold the pump up to her nipple which was kinda weird for them both- even though they've done way nastier things than that.

"And then that, see it's not that hard." Onika says finishing her demonstration, they waited for a little before seeing the first drop of milk fall into the bottle.

"I feel kinda weird." Beyoncé states truthfully as more droplets slowly filled up the bottle.

"You'll get used to it, you know I actually wanna taste."

"Stop being nasty Onika!" Beyoncé glares which only makes Papa laugh at the two women.

"Why you laughing boy? You mocking me. I know it's yours but like it won't hurt to share." Papa immediately straight faced her making her laugh awkwardly backing up a bit.

"I'm just joking, I'm just joking we don't gotta share, the milks all yours."


"Psst!" Blue says tapping the boy's shoulder who hadn't even said a single word to her all day.

It was the period before lunch and it was more like a free period which the teacher had given them to interact with their peers and such while she sorted her notes for the term.

King didn't reply but instead kept his head buried into the book he was reading, the words of his mother still fresh on his mind.

"Stop ignoring me, I said I was sorry." Blue said feeling a little guilty like she was at fault for the silent treatment.

King didn't reply to that either and continued on his reading like she wasn't even there making her groan looking away from him at the other people interacting and making friends.

"Hey." A voice said from behind her making her turn around to see a girl looking at her with the brightest smile on her face, kinda reminded her of Nicki in a way.

"Hi?" She says a bit unsurely wondering what the girl wanted to ask her for, she didn't really look like the extroverted type even though she was covered in extremely bright colors- pink and purple to be exact- and had her hair in two pigtails.

Kinda looked like a preschooler if you were to ask her.

"My name's kiki, wanna be friends?" She asked still smiling brightly.

"Yeah I guess, my name's Blue." She smiles back.

"Cool wanna come sit beside me?" She asked tapping the empty seat next to her.

Blue contemplated it before looking at King who was already looking at her but as soon as they made eye contact he looked back down at his book.

"Umm.. yeah sure." She says a bit unsurely but still moves over to seat with the girl.

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