Chapter 19: Stinging Regrets

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Khaled's POV

I caught up with Louai, crying. I could sense his regret and I felt it because his regrets, like Taline's, were also mine.

All of us mistreated Omar in some way. Louai for believing he was somehow after our fortune and his worry that we became close really fast, as did my parents. Taline because she believed it and did not give him the benefit of the doubt he deserved and lastly me because I not only slapped him but also said a lot of hurtful things to him after punching Louai.

These were situations we had all gotten ourselves into. We could have done things differently but we didn't, so the past was cemented and could not be changed. All we could do was learn from our mistakes and move forward – something Louai and Taline needed to learn.

"What's going on?" I asked Louai, noticing how red his eyes were.

"I love him so much and I hurt him!" he cried.

"Louai, you messed up but you also changed your attitude toward our cousin. He already forgave you, he even forgave me, why are you so scared?"

"He forgave you because to him, you're like the older brother he's always wanted and needed and you didn't hurt him the way Taline and I did. What if he hasn't forgiven me?"

"He already forgave you, what makes you think he hasn't?"

"Because he hasn't forgiven Taline, who didn't do what I did. She simply allowed herself to get swayed."

"Buddy, have to move on. He forgave you because you're his family and he's always cared about you, even before any of us knew he was related to us. Remember when they went out on their first date and you followed him along with Ziad?"

"Yes, I was an idiot and I dragged Ziad along. He even tried to reason with me but I was too stubborn to listen."

"You know they realized you both had followed them and Taline wanted to teach you a lesson by having a steamy make-out session while at the beach."

"What's your point?"

"My point is that even though you were mean to him, accusing him of baseless things, he did not go through with the make-out session to teach you a lesson because he not only cares about you but because he cares about me and our parents. He did not want to do anything to hurt you because of them, me, and also you."

"But he was so angry at me?"

"He was and rightly so. But you have to let it all go. Focus on the fact he has forgiven you and that the past is where it should be, in the past. And you need to let this go because if you don't, it's going to drive you insane."

"How can I show him how much I love and care about him?"

"Be there for him whenever he needs a listening ear. You know how much he suffers because of his past and even his anxiety. He talks to me, to our parents, and I'm certain he will talk to you too if he needs a listening ear."

"He's way more comfortable with you, mom and dad."

"Maybe it's because he's had more positive interactions with us than he has with you and maybe it's taking him some time to get to know you. Once he does, he will reach out to you and you should give it some time. But there's one more option you can take that night to expedite this process a bit."

"What is it?" he desperately asked.

"Talk to him yourself. Go up to him, have a heart-to-heart and tell him how you feel, how you feel about him, how much you regret what you did, and how much you care about him."

Second Chances: a Coincidences novel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now