Chapter 20: First Performance

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It was quite early in the morning, and in a few days tops we would be flying back to Lebanon and Cielo was also going to come along since she also had a place there. Then in a month my family and I would return to Dubai since my uncle had more concerts and projects to take care of.

My phone beeped, indicating I had a text message waiting for me to read but it was a specific beep, one I had assigned to George Al Rassi since he and I had become friends after running into each other in Los Angeles while he was on vacation. I had bumped into him in Beverly Hills, which I hated going to because it was too heavily overdone it was overkill for me, and he recognized me for the humiliating situation I had endured that led to me punching Louai.

We instantly became friends and kept in touch thereafter.

"Sabah El-Kheir habibi, Shou akhbarak?" he asked, which translated to 'Good Morning, what's up?'

I responded and continued chatting for the next half hour, just catching up and telling him what I was up to, how I returned with my family, the Alamas, and then he decided to call me. It was always good listening to his voice.

"So you're in Dubai?" he asked.

"Yes, going to be here for a few more days and we're returning to Beirut for about a month and then come back. I have to say, I'm liking it here, a lot."

"And how's the Dubai heat treating you?" he chuckled.

"It's been intense but I've gotten used to it. To be honest, I love living in Arab and Hispanic countries."

"Of course, you do" he chuckled. "You're a mix of what, Arab, Turkish and Mexican?"

"Yeah, and I love and miss going to Mexico. I miss my family out there, my grandma, my cousins but I think I'm going to talk to my uncle and see if we can go for a visit to Tijuana and Tamaulipas."

"Nice, I've been and I love it. All those street tacos and tiny little restaurants and the beach."

"Smaller restaurants in Spanish, we refer to them as Fondas, which is a restaurant but kind of family run and smaller than your average restaurant."

"Interesting, and let's not forget Café de Olla, burritos, and tortas."

And he was pronouncing them correctly and with a proper Mexican accent. I was impressed.

"Yes, we can never forget about food. That's the most important thing."

"But speaking of food, you're modeling now, aren't you?"

"Yes and no. I'm modeling exclusively for auntie Jihan's company and she ain't requiring me to follow a strict diet, hence why I'm working for her. But as far as the other type of modeling, that I have not considered, even though I did do runway modeling once..."

"During the events of that night."

"Yes" I sighed.

"But I'm assuming you and Louai already settled your differences?"

"Yeah, we did. We're friends now and things are great between us. He still feels guilty because of what he made me go through but I've forgiven him already."

"He's still young and he went about things the wrong way but I'm happy you're both close and finally becoming the family you guys are."

"Yes, most definitely. Anyhow, where are you at?"

"I'm in Syria and gonna drive back to Beirut tomorrow. Let's hang out when you're in town. I'd love to catch up with you" I could hear him chuckling.

Second Chances: a Coincidences novel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now