a nice thing to finish off a hardworking day

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Foxy and Mangle have been together for three years now. Even when the war happened and everything else has happened during their training years in UA and The Academy at Atlas, they would never give up on each other. Even if things were so stressful for the both of thing. Especially when Mangle had her depression Era, Foxy still sticked by her side even though she wanted to stay locked away in their room. They would never give up on each other and would always fight together side by side. Foxy was the most and amazing thing that has happened in Mangle's life. She never thought that she would be with a amazing man like him. And Foxy felt the same. He had been picked on for all of his life and had no love from anyone who talked to him but Right when he started to get to know Mangle, his heart was shot. He started falling for her, even though to him that it was kind of strange for him to fall in love with an Emo Girl. But he was an E Boy and that wasn't a big deal so that was a perfect thing for the both of them. Without them being together. They wouldn't be the person that they're today.

Mangle wipes the sweat from her forehead as she unlocks the door to her and Foxy's new house. It was a hardworking day for the both of them, the mission that Mangle went on was pretty rough but she and the girls were able to take the villains down. It has been a full years since everyone graduated and became actual heroes, warriors, and hunters/huntresses so this has been a great thing for everyone on the LW team.

Mangle sighs as she smiles warmly happy to finally be home for the day. She places the house keys on the kitchen counter and gets out her phone to see if she missed any text messages or phone calls and she didn't. And also Foxy comes home later every evening so Mangle is always the one who's home first. So that gives Mangle an hour for her to just relax in a nice soaking bath.

Mangle heads upstairs to the bathroom and turns on the water for the bathtub to start filling up with water. She then heads to her and Foxy's room and goes through their dresser to get some comfy clothes to sleep in. She then heads back to the bathroom and starts taking off her hero outfit along with the extra things on it. She then steps in the bathtub and lays her head back as she closes her eyes as she enjoys soaking ok the bathtub. Mangle then opens her eyes and takes a look at both of her arms that have stitched up scares of when she tried to kill herself back then. She started getting a couple of flashbacks from of what happened. She sighs and looks down to herself. She did promise that she was never gonna do anything like that again. She worried like almost everyone including Foxy and her own Bff, Juvia. So she knows not to do that again to worry them again. Mangle starts scrubbing herself with a sponge and after that she starts washing her hair and a couple of minutes later, she takes out the plug for the bathtub and steps out of the bathtub. She wrings out her hair and wraps a towel around herself. Mangle then gets out her blow dryer and starts blow drying her white fluff hair. She unplugs the blow dryer and puts it away underneath the bathroom sink and unwraps the towel off of her and breathes softly. She definitely knows that she has a good looking body but it kind of makes her feel anxious and insecure and she hates the fact that it's good looking so yeah. Mangle then starts putting on the clothes she got from the dresser and puts on dark purple sweat pants and a black tank top. She folds the towels she used and sets them on the bathroom counter softly as she grabs the brush and softly walks out of the bathroom and softly sits on Foxy and Mangle's bed brushing her hair.

30 minutes has passed and it's now 9:50pm at night. Mangle was laying back on her and Foxy's bed on her phone texting her squad. Mangle then hears the door unlocked downstairs and she knows who that is. Her amazing boyfriend walked in the house and headed upstairs to see his white hair fox like girlfriend. As Foxy walks into his and Mangle's room. Mangle smiles brightly that showed that she was happy for her boyfriend to be home finally. Foxy smirks at her and walks over to her

Hi Hon!

Mangle said as she hugs Foxy joyfully. Foxy laughs softly as he hugs back

"Forever and Always be yours" Foxy x Mangle Legendary Warriors Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now