Chapter 12. Fight

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[POV Change] 


[(Y/N) POV]

UA Sports Festival Stadium 

"Todoroki made it so he'd have the ten million to himself to seize in an instant! At least, that's what I thought five minutes ago! But unbelievably, Midoriya's been able to keep away in that cramped space for five minutes!" Present Mic loudly announced through his microphone. What he said was true, we were somehow able to keep Halfy away for a while despite being smushed like this. It was a good thing that I was there since I was able to immediately know if Halfy and his team were about to do anything and therefore counter or warn my teammates. Throughout these past five minutes, I had realised that Midoriya was not only keeping his distance but that he was also staying on Halfy's left side for a reason that I was currently unaware of. I then heard Iida whispering something to his team before he placed a leg forward in preparation to run. My eyes then widened as the amount of vibrations going through the four-eye's legs began to send me into sensory overload. His legs also began to release fire and a shit ton of sound. As Iida charged forward at an incredible speed, my brain went into Fight or Flight. As my brain chose Fight and instantly raised a wall ahead of us, Iida broke through the somewhat short wall with ease, sending a few small shards of rock into my open palms. I then felt the headband get ripped off of Midoriya's head, causing me to widen my eyes even more.

"What happened? So fast! So fast! Iida, if you could accelerate that fast, then show us in the prelims!" Present Mic told the Buggati as everyone stared at Iida. For a few seconds, the entire stadium stood still. "I told you, didn't I, Midoriya? That I'd challenge you." Iida reminded as he looked at Midoriya, who was glaring back at him. "The tables are turned! Offense and defense right at the edge! Reining that in, Todoroki gets the ten million! And Midoriya is suddenly left with zero points!" Present Mic then announced, making it clear how bad the situation was. "Get back in there!" Midoriya ordered loudly, nearly making me both blind and deaf. "As long as they have Kaminari, we'll be at a disadvantage if we attack! I can't block his electricity if we're attacking! Won't it be safer to try for other points right now?" I countered, not convinced by his rush of a strategy. "No! I don't know how the other points got split up! This is our only chance!" Bomby replied, bringing up a good point. This wasn't even considering the fact that we were surrounded by ice. "All right! We'll get it back, Deku! We definitely will!" Uraraka yelled as she started running, forcing the tech girl and I to start running as well if we didn't want to fall over.

As Halfy's team turned to us and we started to get close, I felt a big amount of vibrations start going through Midoriya's right arm as he pulled it back. Fire suddenly burst from Halfy's left arm as Midoriya tried to get the headband, however, he was stopped by said hand. Midoriya quickly pulled back his arm, causing Halfy's to be sent to the side. Bomby saw an opportunity and so he took  it, reaching for a headband as Halfy was thrown off balance. "I got it!" Midoriya declared as we patted while standing behind Halfy's team. "With just eleven seconds left, there's an angry retrieval here, too!" Present Mic exclaimed as the crowd continued to cheer. "Wait a minute. Isn't this the wrong headband?" The tech girl asked, catching my attention. Did this dumbass grab the wrong headband in the last eleven seconds of the round? Is his dumbassery going to cost me my chances? "They got us!" Midoriya then shouted, making me have to take matters into my own hands. There wasn't much time left, so I had to do this quickly. At the same time, I could hear Bakugo's explosions from above leading me to believe that he was starting to get near.

Uraraka had been charging again, forcing me to start as well as I began to put my plan to work. As Bomby and the Pomeranian began to get near Halfy, a hand made of stone suddenly rose out of the floor and was headed towards the forehead of the shocked Todoroki. The stone hand was able to snatch the headband just as it was announced that time was up, making Midoriya and Bakugo freeze in their places. I got tht headband from Halfy before time was up, so I figured that it would stand. "(Y/N)! You're a saviour!" Midoriya exclaimed as he got off me while I brought the stone hand closer to myself. My palm was currently in a lot of pain since I had to push the stone shards even deeper in to make the stone hand grab the headband, so I had to make what I was about to say to Midoriya short. "You're a waste of human life, Midoriya. I trusted you with one thing and you failed. You then proceeded to fail a task I didn't even give you after I warned you against going through with it. You are the human equivalent of a participation trophy." I lectured him as I took the headband from the stone hand. "I hope this has enough points." I told him as I then shoved the headband onto his chest and walked off. "In fourth place, Team Midoriya! These four teams will advance to the final round!" I heard Present Mic yell out as I headed to Recovery Girl so that I could get my hands healed.


"Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just a sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too! We've even brought real cheerleaders from America to liven things up!" Present Mic exclaimed, stating the things that would be an excuse to waste time until people got their energy back. "Huh? What are they doing? What's the matter, Class A? What kind of fan service is that?" Present Mic asked, confused by the show that was being put on. I knew what he was talking about since it was easy to tell that the girls in my class were wearing the same thing as the cheerleaders due to the reactions of people around us. "All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!" Present Mic then stated, revealing what the final round would be. I was relieved when I heard that it would be one-on-one battles since that way I wouldn't have to be in a team with the dolt.

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start! The sixteen finalists can choose whether or not they want to participate in the recreation. I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength. Now, from the first place team-" Midnight said, and was about to draw teams from the lots but stopped when she saw Tailly raise his hands. "I'm withdrawing." He told her, drawing shock from everyone. "I barely remember anything from the Cavalry Battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's Quirk. I know that this is a great chance and that it's foolish to waste it... but everyone here competed by giving their all! I can't... I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened." He explained, causing me to wonder if he rehearsed that for the entirety of the time given for lunch. More people began to object, so he brought up his hand to his face emotionally. "That's not it... I'm talking about my pride here... I can't..." He muttered emotionally. Another student then stepped forward and asked, "I'm Nirengeki Shoda from Class B. I also want to withdraw for the same reason. Regardless of ability, don't you think it goes against the goal of this Sports Festival for those who didn't do anything to move onto the final round?" This caused Kirishima to start crying while talking about manliness or something.

"This is an unusual turn of events." Present Mic commented, not yelling for once. "We'll have to see what the Chief Umpire, Midnight, has to say about this." Mr Aizawa then followed up. "Youthful talk like that is something... I like! Shoda! Ojiro! I accept your withdrawal!" Midnight told the two, although her reason for accepting kinda weirded me out. "In that case, we'll have to move up two people from the fifth place Cavalry Battle team." Midnight informed us, posing what could be a small problem. "If that's what's going to happen, then rather than us, who barely did anything during the Cavalry Battle, it should be them, right?" The leader of the fifth place team asked, causing me to let out a slight groan. How long was this going to go on for? "The ones who fought to the end and stayed in the top, Team Tetsutetsu, right? This isn't collusion or anything. It just makes sense." The leader then said, making some guy cheer. "And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki have moved up to make sixteen! This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!" Midnight announced after a bit of time. I could tell by the fact that Pony was looking at me that I was probably going to be going against her. This could be an easy fight for me.

After the recreational activities, a bunch of cement was released onto the field before some teacher made of cement turned it into a rectangular arena. This had caused me to wonder if I could control his body and movements and if I could break him apart. "Hey guys, are you ready? A lot's happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero, you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge! Use all of that to rush up!" Present Mic advised the students, going back to his usual yelling ways. "Audience! The finals that you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one: even though he's done well, what's with that face? From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya! Versus... sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet! From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso! The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilise them! You can also win by making your opponent say, 'I give up!' Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed! Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains! Ready? Start!" Present Mic loudly exclaimed to everyone.

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