Chapter XXXI

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"Hi!" Rumi turned her head to see Alexis waving her over enthusiastically.

Sir just scoffed from besides her walking over to his own friends, she just rolled her eyes at him walking over to where Alexis was sitting at.

"Sit wimme?" The curly haired girl questions shyly tapping the little seat besides her.

Rumi only nodded taking the empty seat beside her while the teacher walked over to the board to start off the first lesson for the day.

It was now their playtime and both Rumi and Alexis were playing doll house, when one of the boys in their class walked towards them.

"Hi Lexi." The boy smiles kneeling besides her where they were playing making Rumi scrunch her face up at him.

"Oh hi Mari." She smiles absentmindedly still holding the dollies.

"Umm.. we're all playing princesses and knights and the other boys have their princesses, you wanna be mine?"

"No." Rumi states pulling Alexis over to her side startling both children.

"What?! You don't get to decide for her!" Omarion which was the boy's name stated mockingly. "Come on Alexis let's go play." He then said holding his hand out towards her.

"Sorry Mari I'm playing with Rumi right now maybe next time." She smiles a little not taking the boy's outstretched hand.

"Why?!" The boy whines out death glaring Rumi before pushing the girl back.

"Stop." Alexis says when she'd seen Rumi get back up to push Mari just the same way he'd done to her.

"Don't touch me." Rumi says looking down at the boy on the floor before pulling Alexis away with her, back to their seats.

"Rumi..." Alexis voice calls out after awhile, Rumi didn't reply with her head on the table.

"Rumi..." She calls out again looking towards were she saw her mom attending to Omari.

"Sorry." The girl mumbled "I shouldn't have pushed him, he just.. ugh I don't like him touching me."

"I know he can be very... Pushy. Sorry-" She suddenly got caught off by her mother's stern voice.

"Rumi, Alexis. Come here." She was sitting at her desk attending to Omari who was clearly being over dramatic.

"Yes ma'am." They both said walking over.

"Care to explain what happened here?"

"Ma'am he started it." Sir's voice interrupted them both.

"What happened?"

"Omarion pushed Rumi first." He says death glaring the stupid boy who'd put his tiny ass fingers on his sister. "Because they didn't want to play with him."

"Is that true?" Now this question was directed to the boy himself.

"It's not true I... She.. she pushed me!"

"It's clearly obvious that you're lying and for that you're gonna be in the time out corner." The little boy just groaned in frustration, tears spilling out his eyes as he stomped over to the time out corner where he won't be allowed to play with the other kids.

"Sir." Rumi called out making the boy turn towards her just when he was about to go back to playing with his own friends.


She just hugged him silently, "Thanks for that.....but don't ever call my fwiend lame again."

"Umm yeah." He just walked off towards his own group of friends who were waiting on him.

"Your brother is really cute." Alexis couldn't help but mention.

"No he's not, let's go." Rumi said not liking the compliment being directed towards her brother and not her.


"Hello again." Kiki smiles tapping King's shoulder from behind, the boy just groaned looking down at his book now officially distracted.

The two girls had been disturbing him all day to get him to talk to them, not taking 'no' for an answer.

"Why do you keep ignoring us?" Blue asks leaning over his shoulder to see what he was reading.

It was a fifth grade science textbook but they were in the fourth.

"You really want to know huh?" He sighs closing the book since there was basically no need in trying to read it.

"Yeah.. we've been asking all day."

"My mom said I shouldn't talk to y'all okay, cause y'all are distracting so leave me alone."

"You know the saying 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' that's what you're doing right now." Kiki says taking the book away from his desk.

"It's true so just hang with us, we don't have to go outside if you don't want to, we can just play in here." Blue says.

"Okay fine but give me back my book." Kiki reluctantly gives him back but he just puts it away in his bookbag.

They spent the rest of the break playing truth or dare and basically just getting to know each other.

"So you're mixed with what exactly?" Blue asks.

"My dad's black but my mom's Asian specifically from South Korea."

"That's really cool, I love K-pop." Kiki smiles.

"It's okay." King shrugs before they moved on to the next question, he wouldn't deny he actually liked spending time with the girls he was just worried and didn't want to get caught.


So I've been gone for quite awhile now :-\ but I'm back now so updates will be more frequent.

Well if you liked this little cute chapter then don't forget to vote, comment and follow me.

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