Chapter 13. (Y/N)'s Time

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[POV Change]


UA Sports Festival Stadium

[(Y/N)'s POV]

In the first fight, the dumbass beat Shino by getting him out of bounds in an interesting way. After the unreliable dipshit snapped out of his hypnosis, Shinso tried to punch him but ended up being swung over the worm's shoulder. The match-up after that was Halfy vs Sero, a boy in my class that had weird elbows that he could shoot tape out of. Halfy ended the fight quickly by creating a giant block of ice that he froze not only Sero with, but also half of the stadium. The third fight was between Denki, a boy in my that could create electricity, and Shiozaki, a girl in Class 1-B that could control vines through her hair. The match ended quickly with Shiozaki quickly wrapping Denki in vines and throwing him out the arena. The fourth fight was my favourite, with it also being the one I found the most entertaining. It was between the tech girl that was in my team in the Cavalry Battle and Engine Boy. For the entirety of the match, she just kept humiliating him by advertising her tech at his expense. It helped brighten my mood after the fuckery of Midoriya. The fight after that was my second favourite, as something hilarious happened. It was between Mina and Aoyoma, the boy with the laser-shooting belly button. The fight ended by Mina pantsing him by using her Quirk and then knocking him out with a uppercut. It gave me a good laugh. After that, however, it was time for my fight. I was against the pony tail girl, and so I got out of my seat and made my way to the arena after Mina and Aoyoma left it. "Now, we've got no time to lose! Let's move on to the sixth match!" Present Mic announced as the pony tail girl and I stood in the arena.

"Able to attack and defend in one movement! The Blind Bandit that stole the possibility of the number 1 spot from Midoriya in the obstacle race and a headband from Todoroki in the last second to take his team this far! From the hero course, it's (Y/N) Beifong!" Present Mic exclaimed as his words caused me to smirk. The loud cheers of the crowd and my family was another reason for my smirking. "Versus all-purpose creation! She was admitted through recommendations, so her abilities are certified! From the hero course, it's Momo Yaoyorozu!" Present Mic then yelled out, confusing me a little bit. I was also admitted through recommendations, so why didn't he say that my abilities are certified? I then noticed something, however. Her heart was beating very quickly, which meant that she was likely nervous. I could probably use that to my advantage. "Sixth match, start!" Present Mic suddenly ordered, causing me to begin setting a plan in motion. Momo's eyes widened as he said this, giving me the clearest path to victory.

I took advantage of her being off guard by using my Quirk to manipulate the ground around her and send a pillar aiming for her stomach. Although, she was able to react in just the last second by creating a shield and using it to barely block the pillar. She was still sent back a bit by the pillar, however. I sent another pillar at her and she tried to block it with the shield again, but I noticed something this time. As I was sending the pillar at her, I realised that the shield was made of metal, which mean that I could manipulate it. Using my Quirk, I pulled away the metal shield that she had created, causing her to be hit in the centre of her stomach by the cement pillar. As she slightly bent over while holding her stomach in pain, I sent a small pillar at her shins, causing her to be flipped over and land harshly on her back. Before she could do anything, I covered her entire body in the cement, leaving only her face free. "Yaoyorozu, can you move?" Midnight asked her. The pony tail girl was silent for a bit before begrudgingly answering, "No." Midnight then raised her whip before pointing it in my direction. "Yaoyorozu is immobilised! (Y/N) advances to the second round!" She then declared, causing me to free Momo from the ground as I turned around and began walking away. "You should at least try next time. That was pretty boring. Oh, and don't use metal next time, c'mon. That's like throwing a cup of water at a flood." I then told her from over my shoulder while chuckling and walking into the stands. "An overwhelming victory! A completely overwhelming victory! (Y/N)'s Quirk could possibly be the best for this type of environment! He has complete control of his surroundings!" Present Mic exclaimed as I proudly sat in one of the many seats next to the other students.

After my fight was one of the most boring ones by far. Weird hair and Tetsutetsu from Class 1-B, who had the same Quirk as Kirishima except for his being metal and not rock. The fight ended in a draw with the two of them knocking each other out. After that it was the Pomeranian vs Uraraka. The Pomeranian was just being a pussy for the entire match, mostly only creating a smokescreen and pushing Uraraka away from him. Uraraka made all the debris float into the air and made it replicate a meteor shower near the end, however, so something interesting did happen. Although Bakugo destroyed the entire thing and knocked her down with one blast, so that didn't really matter. So in the end, Bakugo won his fight. There was then an arm wrestling match between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu as a tiebreaker and Kirishima ended up winning. I didn't really care about that, however, as I was only focused on the contestants I saw as a threat. Those were Halfy, the Pomeranian, Engine Boy, and someone that I hated to admit I saw as a threat, Midoriya.

The first fight of the second round was going to be between Midoriya and Halfy, which meant it would get rid of one of the threats. As the two got to the arena, I noticed that Mina was looking at me as she went to sit by the pony tail girl. None of the other students were looking at me, so I took that to mean that she would be the one I would be fighting. The fight between Midoriya and Halfy was very eventful, as Midoriya practically destroyed both of his arms while Halfy ended up unexpectedly using his fire side. They also destroyed the arena, causing the cement guy to have to rebuild it. In the end, Halfy won, which meant that he would be someone that I could potentially face. That was somewhat good, as I could break through his ice and block his fire with cement. The match after that was between Engine Boy and the vine girl, which ended with Engine Boy politely pushing her out of bounds. What was important was that it was now time for my second fight, which I had figured out due to Mina getting out of her seat and heading down to the arena. I then did the same thing, a confident smirk remaining on my face from when I fought the pony tail girl.

"Third match of the quarter-finals, start!" Present Mic loudly ordered, causing Mina to start skating towards me by letting out acid onto the floor. It reminded me of when we went up against each other in the Combat Training that happened inside the buildings in Ground Beta. During that, I remember that since her acid couldn't break through the floor, so I proceeded to wrap her in it. Although, I didn't like repetitiveness, and so I wanted to end things differently this time. "What? Too surprised by my awesomeness to do anything?" Mina asked as she noticed that I wasn't doing anything while she continued skating at me. "Nah, I just dosed off becsuse of how bored I got because of the weakness of your acid." I replied as I covered my feet in the cement of the arena. I then used my Quirk to lift the side of the arena that I was standing on, tilting it downwards. Because of the cement covering my feet, I remain standing in my place. Mina, on the other hand, began falling backwards due to her acid going down due to gravity and the tilt of the ground. After she fell backwards, she began rolling backwards until she was finally on flat ground again. As she stood up, everyone could see that a few strands of her hair had become burnt due to her rolling on her acid. "Ashido is out of bound! (Y/N) Beifong advances to the Semi-Finals!" Midnight announced as I returned the arena to its original state and got the cement off of my feet.

I then walked towards Mina and offered my hand to help her up. "Thanks." She said as she took my hand. She used it to play a little joke, however, as she squeezed my hand and pulled me a little while getting up, almost making me fall over. "Good luck in the semi-finals. Especially if you're going up against Bakugo." She told me as the two of us began to make our way back to the stands. "Thanks. I'm kind of looking forward to potentially fighting the Pomeranian though, could shut him up for once." I replied before the two of us laughed a bit at the joke. "By the way, you're gonna pay for my next appointment to fix my hair."

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