Chapter 14. (Y/N) Vs Bakugo

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[POV Change]


UA Sports Festival Stadium

[(Y/N)'s POV]

The Pomeranian ended up defeating Kirishima by simply playing the waiting game. He waited until Kirishima overused his Quirk and then sent a strong explosion his way to seal the win for himself. That made things end with the 4 Semi-Finalists being Halfy, Engine Boy, the Pomeranian, and me. Halfy and the Engine Boy walked towards the arena first, which meant that I was up against none other than Bakugo. I noticed that the Pomeranian was currently staring at me, and so I returned the gesture by turning go him with a smirk and a raised middle finger. He responded by sending two middle fingers my way while calling me a 'bitchy shrimp'. This caused me to snicker as I turned back around, which angered him even more. Back to what's important, Halfy defeated Engine Boy by freezing his mufflers and then freezing his entire body, thus immobilising him. That meant that I would be facing Halfy in the finals if I defeated the Pomeranian. Halfy didn't use his fire once in the fight against Engine Boy, which meant that he might not use them against me either. The Pomeranian and I got out of our seats and began heading to the arena after Halfy and Engine Boy left, resulting in the audience cheering for us. As the two of us stood opposite of each other, I could tell that his heartbeat was at an average pace, which meant that he wasn't nervous or scared. "Second match of the Semi-Finals, start!" Present Mic ordered, causing Bakugo to immediately start charging at me while using explosions to keep himself off of the ground.

He wasn't sending his vibrations through the ground right now, so I obviously wouldn't be able to tell where he was. Or that would have been the case if his explosions weren't so loud. The explosions also sent wind towards the ground, which also created vibrations and helped me somewhat know where in the air he was. As he got closer and closer to me, I got into my fighting position, ready to kick his ass. I brought some of the cement of the arena to my fist, basically making brass knuckles that were made of cement. As Bakugo got close, he sent his right hand at me while it was cackling with explosiveness. I decided to let him hit for me now so that I could be closer to him, making his right hand land on my shoulder while he created an explosion. As I winced from the pain, I brought up the cement from the ground and placed it on top of his hand. This caused his hand to basically be stuck to my shoulder due to cement. The Pomeranian proceed to create many explosions as his hand laid on my shoulder, giving me a burning sensation and feeling as if my skin was getting lit on fire. As the cement slowly began to crack, I had to quickly put my plan into motion. The reason that I stuck his hand to my shoulder was so that I could get an opportunity to stay close and try to get a hit in. As I reeled back my Cement/Brass Knuckles-covered fist, Bakugo seemed too distracted with trying to free his hand to notice my punch. Due to that, I was able to quickly send my fist towards his chest in an upwards manner.

As the uppercut connected with Bakugo's chest, an audabile crack was heard and he released his biggest explosion yet, causing  the cement on my shoulder to finally get destroyed and causing the Pomeranian to be launched back far. I was pushed back considerably by the explosion, and as I landed, I could tell due to Present Mic and Midnight not saying anything that I wasn't out of bounds. My shirt was burnt and ripped apart around my left shoulder, making me feel as if I was being boiled alive as the cold air brushed over my shoulder. Despite not being able to see, I could tell that the area of my left shoulder was covered in burns, ash, and had Bakugo's handprint engraved. Bakugo wasn't doing too well either. He was on his hands and knees in the middle of the arena, a hand on his chest as he struggled to breath as drool made its way out the sides of his mouth and his eyes began to slightly tear up. I was about to take advantage and attack him, however, I was warned against it by Midnight, who pointed her sex whip at me and said, "Don't move! If you attack him then you will be disqualified!" She then looked over at Bakugo, who was still in his suffering. "Bakugo, are you still able to fight?" Midnight asked him as he suddenly took in a large breath, which meant that he was now able to breathe again. As he then slowly stood up, he wiped away the drool from his mouth. "Yeah... it's just a cracked rib." He said as he got ready to fight once again.

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