Rejected like Jesus ♔·°

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Those who spread the gospel boldly, in love, in wisdom, and in gentleness. Don't be surprised if people reject you! People who have a hardened heart, worldly mindset, or religious mindset are blinded by their own self righteousness and ignorance, they have allowed themselves to be deceived by their pride and influences that the devil presents to them.

Jesus was also rejected!

Doesn't the word say, "Imitate Christ."
Ephesians 5:1-2

Doesn't the word say, "I must decrease so that you may increase."?
John 3:30

Doesn't the word say, "It's no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me."?
Galatians 2:20

Doesn't the word also say, "Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."?
1 John 4:4

The people hated Jesus without a cause Psalms 69:4, He was the most innocent man alive. He loved us enough to give Himself for us and to save us but He also came to prick our hearts and stir the water. His word is sharper than a double edge sword and He comes to see the thoughts and motives of our hearts. Hebrews 4:12 He came to get us out of a place of comfort where we would live in the false comfort of sin. May I remind some of you, there is no peace in sin and sin leads to death. Romans 6:23

Enter in by the narrow gate! The narrow gate leads to life but very FEW people find it! Easy and wide is the path to destruction and many people walk through it! Matthew 7:13 Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand! Matthew 4:17  HOW CLOSE IS A HAND ON A HUMAN BODY? Come humbly to God, those who are tired and heavily burdened, Jesus will give you rest! Matthew 11:28-30

This message is a message of love! The gospel is a message of love! If God didn't love us, we wouldn't be here and He wouldn't have come down in the flesh to redeem us back to Him! John 3:16 It is a choice! Whether we receive His love or reject His love! People will be without excuse, God's existence is EVERYWHERE! Romans 1:20

Love without correction isn't real love but God corrects us when we're wrong because He loves us and He is love. Proverbs 27:5 and 1 John 4:16 He doesn't want us to perish or be in a place that wasn't made for us. 2 Peter 3:9 and Matthew 25:41

When the love of God and His correction comes in, it comes in to disturb the lifestyle of evil and sin. This will always disturb the flesh and agitate the demons that people have LET in.

So again, don't be surprised if people reject you because you speak the truth of the gospel boldly and with love and wisdom. John 15:18-27  Walk in the purpose God has for you. It is God's will that we as His body do the work of an evangelist, we ARE commissioned to go out and preach the gospel, walk in the way Jesus walked, and baptize people so that they can be saved.

If they reject it, REMEMBER!!! They aren't rejecting you, they're rejecting GOD! Don't take it to heart, it's not personal!

°·♔  Jesus   ♔·° °·♔  is   ♔·° °·♔  Lord   ♔·°


November 24, 2022

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