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No one likes to be called a sinner but the truth is, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 No matter what sin it was. Whether it be lying, jealousy, lust, or even murder. All of these are sins and most people know that all of these are wrong. By God's standards, a sin is a sin no matter how big or small. Many don't want to hear this and they come up with many excuses to justify what they do. 2 Timothy 4:3

The sweetest and most kindest person can be in a room but they too have sinned against God. A crime is a crime, right? And what happens when someone commits a crime? They get their deserved reward, whether it be jail time, community service, or even a fine. All of these are still bad situations and no matter what it is, wrongness has its consequences. 1 John 1:14-15

If we go by people's standards or society's standards of right and wrong, there will never be a 100% accuracy of knowing what is good and what is bad. The truth would be considered anything and there would be no way of knowing right from wrong because the world changes way too much and has no steady foundation. Matthew 7:24-27 The world is falling day by day and is getting worse and worse because people are intentionally doing what they want to do. Whether they think it's okay or not. See the times we're living in. 2 Timothy 3:1-5

People change but there are different kinds of changes, it can be for the good or for the bad. There's always a pro or a con to people. About 3 years ago, I was going through many changes in my life and I was all over the place and never satisfied so I was always confused, angry, sad, anxious, and jealous. As time progressed, I was doing "better", and I was to a certain extent but there was still so much trash I was holding onto and things I was hiding.

So many people saw me as strong, positive, enthusiastic, pure, and innocent but because I was hiding behind masks, I was still in a bad place even though I got better. I felt like I had to keep up that mask but there were times I did take it off to show people how I really felt and I got hurt every time and regretted it. I would get bitter and proud when they didn't say what I wanted to hear.

Did most of these people know I had those feelings? No. I hid them in my mind and heart. Jeremiah 17:9 When I would give even the nicest people I knew a mouthful and give them what they "deserved", I would feel guilty and even more hurt. Romans 12 :17-21

Sure, feeling that way may have been "valid" to most people but if I would have looked in the mirror at my own self, I would've seen just as many faults as them. I too deserved the worst punishment and hurt even though I was considered by people to be nice and quiet. I would even go as far as to prove to people that I was the opposite but they wouldn't take me seriously and I would be judged for it even by close friends.

With that being said, I've come across a lot of people who hate being compared to a murder or a pedophile, but the same people who hated being compared to them didn't realize that they are also sinners who are lost and are in need of being saved and found. There are different punishments in society depending on a person's crime. This is the same way with sin but regardless, sin still results in eternal death and torment. Romans 6:23 and Matthew 13:41-42

Some of you are probably thinking, "Well, I'm not as bad as most people." That may be true but pay attention to what was just said. "Not as bad", is still considered bad. Some of you may also be thinking, "Not all criminals get caught or are given a just punishment." While this may be true to the eye or what we can see, this isn't the case. Everyone reaps what they sow, whether it be now, later, or in future generations. Galatians 6:7

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