Entangled Hearts and Broken Trust

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Denise's POV

I have been married to Preston for six years, and he's known me for ten. He's been cheating for God knows how long, but somehow, I still love him. I know I deserve better. I tried to get a divorce, but he won't sign the damn papers. Why won't he? He never says, just refuses. Even though I'd love to have my husband back, I can't trust him anymore. I wonder if giving him one last chance would change anything or just finish breaking my heart.

My thoughts were interrupted by the loud ring of the house phone. I didn't recognize the number, so I answered quickly.

**On the phone**

"Hello?" I said."Hey Denise, how are you, sweetheart?" Chrissy's familiar voice asked.
I was surprised to hear my mother-in-law's voice since I hadn't heard from her in a very long time. "I'm doing good, Mrs. Williams," I replied.

"Now, Denise, what did I tell you about calling me that? You know you can call me Chrissy."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Chrissy. Won't happen again," I assured her. "Well, now that's out of the way. Where is Preston?" she inquired.

I rolled my eyes at the sound of his name. "He's, um..." I scratched my head, having no clue where he was. "He's in the shower," I lied.

"Ok," Chrissy responded. "Do you want me to get him?" I offered."No, hon, that's fine. I wanted to speak to you anyway."

"Alright, about what?" I asked, curious. "I wanted to know if you and Preston are coming for Thanksgiving? I would hope so since you all haven't come to any for the last four years," she said with a huge sigh.

Preston and I have avoided family events to dodge questions about our relationship. I would love to go, but I know Preston wouldn't. I don't care how angry he gets; I'm going with or without him. "Of course, we're coming," I said firmly.

She gasped loudly, clearly shocked by my answer. "Really?"

"Yes, Chrissy." "When?" "I don't know, but I'll let you know." "Okay, don't forget. I have to go now, but give Preston a kiss and hug for me."

"No problem. Talk to you later." "Bye, dear," Chrissy said before hanging up.

We both hung up. I drank the last of my coffee, trying to remember the last time I actually gave Preston a hug and kiss.

Moments later, Preston came into the kitchen tightening his tie. "Good morning," he said, barely glancing at me.

"Morning. Your mom called," I informed him. "And...?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at his rudeness, trying my best not to argue. "She wants us to come over for Thanksgiving."

"What did you tell her?" he pressed, his full attention now on me."I'll talk to you about it," I lied, crossing my arms defensively.

"Well, you've talked to me about it, so call her back and tell her we can't come. I'm busy," he instructed, his tone condescending.

"No," I answered as I set my mug in the sink, feeling my anger rise. "What do you mean, 'no'?" he asked, his tone hardening as he narrowed his eyes.

"No, as in I'm not dialing her number. I'm not going to disappoint her," I stated firmly, my voice trembling slightly.

"Disappoint her! There are many other holidays we can see her on," he argued, his face turning red with anger.

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