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Jujutsu Kaisen 0

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Jujutsu Kaisen 0

"Toge's cursed speech is something he was born with, so back in the days, he suffered quite a bit." The two first-years gazed out the window, their eyes focused on Toge who was watering the flowers in the plant boxes. "Sometimes he cursed people he never intended to curse. His situation was rather similar to yours that's why he's been caring about you since you transferred here."

Yuta's frown deepened as he listened to Panda attentively.

"He's a good guy, though he might be easily misunderstood," Panda continued. "I hope you can get along with him."

Inumaki-kun is really kind!

The new first-year nodded firmly, determined to reciprocate Toge's thoughtfulness. "But... is he always like that?," Yuta asked, remembering how Toge refused to seek his help and tried to deal with the curse from their previous mission alone. "He seems to prefer working by himself."

Panda contemplated for quite a while before letting out a gasp, an imaginary light bulb blinking on his head. "I think it's because of his cousin."

His cousin?

"What about that?"

"I was told Toge had a girl cousin who's also a cursed speech user. But she died while protecting a friend," Panda narrated. "They said she was an independent sorcerer and that she was very careful of her cursed speech, too. Maybe that's where Toge got it from."

"I see..."

Before Yuta could utter another word, a heavy slam landed on his head. "Come on! Let's start morning training!"

"Maki-san!," Yuta called out before the moss-haired girl could leave for the grounds. "By any chance, have you met Inumaki-kun's cousin?"

"How would I know?" Maki dismissively waved, shooting the two another glare, especially to Panda who was making heart-shaped arms behind Yuta. "Instead of gossiping, why don't you two come down and train instead?"

Panda scratched the back of his head, leaning towards Yuta and whispering apologetically, "I'll take you to her later, if Toge permits."


"Tuna." Toge gestured towards his cousin's grave, the girl in the picture plastered on it showing remarkable resemblance with him.

Yuta's mouth gaped in awe. "She looks so young."

"Salmon," the cousin sighed, looking visibly dejected.

The reaction immediately made Yuta panic as he realized he might have said something he shouldn't have. But before he could apologize, his eyes caught something more unusual.

It drew him in for some unexplainable reason.

"And this is...?," he inquired, slowly squatting to match the picture on the cold stone beside Toge's cousin's. It was a young woman, looking barely eighteen, with raven locks and dark blue eyes.

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