Chapter XXXIII

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⚠️ Slight trigger warning

After so long the kids had finally decided to get separate rooms, Blue had hers, Sir and Rumi shared one while Papa had his nursery, though he slept with the couple most of the time.

Blue's room was a light blue colour with a few light touches of grey which she liked a lot because it just looked so 'mature' to her.

Whereas Rumi and Sir's room was painted both pink and blue since neither of them could just agree to a color and Papa's was green which gave an earthy feel to it-Beyoncé's idea.


"You aren't dressed?"

"I don't feel too good." Blue mumbles rolling over to the other side of the bed..

"But today is therapy." Nicki had already guessed the girl was faking it..... which wasn't a lie.

"I can't go." Blue whines fake coughing as she used the duvet to cover her body.

"Why don't you want to go?" Her tone was softer now as she walked towards where the girl laid under the covers.

Blue didn't answer to that question for a long time contemplating if she wanted to tell Nicki or not..

"I.. I know why you guys want us to go to therapy." Blue says lowly but still loud enough for Nicki to hear "But.. I don't.. I don't want to tell her anything. I don't trust her." She then stops turning over.

She knew whatever had happened to her was hurting her but she wasn't ready to tell anyone anything, like she was scared they'd disregard her feelings.

"Blu Blu." Nicki says trying to understand where the girl was coming from though she knew she still needed therapy. "You know you can tell me anything right.. I promise I'll be there, just stop bottling your emotions up. It's not good-"

"He.. They... T-there was no food. He g-got angry... They paid.. They paid for me and he t-took the money." Blue didn't even get to finish her words as she busted out crying.

Nicki immediately wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, Blue not even having the energy to hug her back the horrible memories coming back to her like a boulder.

"You don't have to finish it..." Nicki mumbles, anger slowly brewing in her chest, from the little words she could already guess what had happened, if he wasn't already in jail she would've killed him with her own bare hands.

"Five!" Blue suddenly screamed holding on tighter to the woman for dear life "Scary...they hurt me.... Rumi they wanted but I.. I didn't let them... I'm worthless.." she started crying harder even beginning to hyperventilate..

"Don't say that...they're gone.. they're gone and they're not coming back. You're special okay and they're fucking bastards. You are not worthless and can never be.. you're a princess, you're strong and you're brave. You're better and will always be better off than those mother fucking bastards!" She couldn't help the curse words spilling from her mouth, the thought making her more and more sick to the pit of her stomach..

Blue was still crying in her lap, slowly and slowly the crying seized, Nicki looked down to see the girl had already fallen asleep on her chest..

She laid her down trying to get up, she was going to tell Beyoncé to cancel the appointment for the day but Blue wouldn't let her leave "Don't go."

"I'm not, I promise." She then laid back down in the bed, Blue moving closer to her.

She had never noticed how broken the girl was until now, it hurt her too know that what might have happened to her was way more severe than she could've imagined.

"Aren't we going-?" Beyoncé cut herself off when she'd seen Blue fast asleep cuddled up to Nicki's side.

"What?" She mouthed.

Nicki just shook her head signalling they'd talk later.

"We gonna have to cancel for today." She said softly in order not to wake the girl up.

Beyoncé just nodded knowing there had to be a good cause for it..


This is pretty short :/ But I'll try updating tomorrow or the day after..
P.s. Get your tissues ready (It's pretty sad).

I would've inserted pictures of the room but 'Wattpad'🙄 wouldn't let me, so just use ur imagination.. I guess 🙃


Am I rushing the book or is it an okay pace?

What do you think really happened with Blue?

Nicki finding out?

Do you think she'd tell Beyoncé?

Will Blue open up to Ms union?

Blue's journal?

What do you think it really contains?

The kids not sharing rooms anymore?


Do you think the whole almost being raped thing affected her?



Shawn 'selling' his kids for money?

Ms. Union?

What type drama should I include in future chapters?

Well that's all the questions (Please answer) And I'll see you whenever next I choose to update.

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