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August White

College was rough my first semester and it wasn't because of anything serious, it was because I didn't go out and do anything. I didn't join any clubs, I didn't do anything fun, it was always me in my single dorm studying and hoping it rained so when I watched TV and went to sleep it was peaceful but not this semester.

"Mom, I already told you, everything is gonna be fine and I'm sure my roommates will be cool. This isn't my first move mom, what's got you so nervous this time around?"

"Last year was different when you were younger and I didn't worry about you because you never really went out in the world but it's different this time. I'm so excited that you want to go out and meet new people and do new things but you're my baby and it scares me!"

"I'm nineteen-"

"Still a teenager and I have every right to worry about my baby!"

A couple knocks pulled my attention away and it was to my roomate Evangeline "Hey I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanted to ask which side of the room you chose?"

"Oh um right side I like being by the window if that's cool with you?"

"Yea girl no problem i just wanted to make sure before I brought all my junk in here!"

We went on unpacking all the shit I had which made me wonder how everything truly fit into the one car but my mom can organize anything so I wasn't terribly surprised. Hours went by and soon the room looked soft and cozy with the decor being mostly pastels, my fluffy white comforter which matched the curtains.


Walking into my Monday ten am class was horrible on my anxiety. I'd already tripped up a couple stairs walking into the building and it made it no better. I couldn't get breakfast because I stayed up looking for orgs to join but I had no choice but to stride in while the nervousness sat on my shoulders almost weighing me down.

I scanned the room finding my roommate with our suitmate and hoped she was kind enough to let me sit beside them. "You don't mind do you?" I gestured to the seat beside Evangeline.

She smiled with our suitmate following suit. It was then I finally was introduced to the girl who I'd seen around our dorm but never got the chance to actually talk to. We fell into nice conversation and pleasantries though it was put to an end when the professor began our first lecture.

The material wasn't bad and he wasn't strict either but it had to be the bias I had considering sociology is my major I actually like the subject. He went over the syllabus and time flew until Eva asked if I wanted to meet them at the cafe for lunch. "Yea sure i just gotta go print something out really fast"

It didn't take me long to walk around  and find them in a booth close to the window so I went and got a caesar salad with a sprite before I sat.

"So are you new or have we just never seen you around?" Evangeline asked before taking a bite out of her sandwich.

I chuckled "No, i'm not new i just didn't really set my foot on campus unless it was for class"

"Hey there's nothing wrong with that, Lord knows maybe if I took after you my GPA wouldn't have to recover right now." Novah jokes.

"Yea it's almost as if I never said, finish your homework or you'll fail!" Eva slowly turned her head tilting it towards novah who in return looked away with a smile whistling and scratching her neck.

They were hilarious and the banter went from there. They each seemed like fun individuals and sure it was my first day actually hanging out with them and not sending a text regarding decorations for our living arrangements but I wouldn't mind continuing to hang out with the both of them.

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