Chapter XXXVI

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"Wow.. you're room's so nice." Alexis says in awe, her room back at home had to be this room but divided in two which she had to share with her two older sisters.

"Thank you." Sir smiles walking over to his bed just then Rumi had walked inside the room too.

"The pink side's mine." She says going over to her bed too expecting Alexis to come over to her side but the little girl just stands in the middle.

"Aren't we playing tea party?" She giggles at the two siblings who looked like they'd already forgotten about the game.

"Oh yeah!" Rumi says all giddy going over to her toy station to get out all her Barbie dolls.

Sir puts her hand under his pillow bringing out what he would call 'his prized possession' - which was a stuffed monkey he loved so much.

"Can tiny play too?" He asks referring to the monkey holding it up.

"No." Rumi says from her table not even turning to look at him "You should even be lucky I let you play."

"Rumi?!" Alexis says shocked "That's rude!"

Rumi just shrugs not caring, at this point she was really hating on her brother for ruining their sleepover.

Sir goes to put the monkey back when Alexis stops him, "No don't put it back. Tiny can play too." Alexis smiles giving Rumi the eye she did when the girl misbehaved, the same one her mother always gave her.

"Fine tiny can play too." Rumi finally agrees though not willingly.


"I'm going to be Princess Alexis from now on." Alexis smiles wearing one of Rumi's tiara's.

"Aww you're cute, I'm going to be King Sir..." He says making Alexis giggle.

"That doesn't make sense, that's two titles." Sir just shrugs in response "I'm still the King so.... Anyways this is my baby Papa, he's the prince."

"And I'm the Queen, now here's some tea." Rumi says pouring some 'tea' into their teacups.

They play for awhile before Beyoncé walks in, "Hi babies." She smiles.

Papa immediately gets up from the chair running towards her, Beyoncé bends down to pick him up before going to take a seat on the bed.

She had just come back from an emergency meeting at Ivy Park when Nicki had told her about the sleep over.

"Hi Mama." Rumi and Sir say at the same time.

"Hi Miss." Alexis smiles widely going to introduce herself "My name's Alexis."

"Hello Alexis." Beyoncé says placing Papa on her lap, the little boy just smiles playing with her neck chain. "So you're Rumi's best friend?" She asks wanting to get to know the girl.

"Yes and Sir and Papa's my friend too." She nods affirmative, Rumi just rolls her eyes.. they weren't her friends a couple months ago. Papa was okay but Sir was a no no.

"You like her, is she nice to you?" Beyoncé knew that Rumi could be a lot at times she was just making sure that the girl actually genuinely liked her kid.

"Yes a lot, she's my bestest friend. We play games together, she know my favorite color, we sing together and she likes me a lot and I like her too." Alexis smiles pecking the girl's cheek making Rumi blush hiding her face in her hair.

Beyoncé just smiles deciding to leave them to play their game, "You wanna come wimme lil man?" She asks Papa tickling his side making the little boy giggle loudly nodding his head, so they both leave together.


"You no say your prayers?" Alexis says tapping Rumi's hand away from the food, they were just given dinner which Rumi was about to eat without saying grace.

Don't worry there were no nuts in the food.

"Would you like to lead us?" Nicki asks making the girl nod shyly.

"Close your eyes." She says which makes everyone do as told "Thank you Jesus for keeping us alive today, thank you for giving us food when some don't have, and I hope as we eat this food it will make us healthy and strong. Amen." She then smiles opening her eyes.

"You're so smart." Nicki compliments "Thank you." Alexis smiles back, her mother had thought her never to eat without thanking God first cause some people didn't have at all and she had to be grateful for what she did.

They all ate in silence before dropping their dishes in the sink.

"Y'all wanna watch a movie?" Beyoncé asks making everyone nod.

"Can we watch it in the theatre room?" Rumi asks excitedly, she really wanted to show Alexis the theatre room since it was one of her favorite parts of the house.

"Sure." They all went to the theatre room, Nicki grabbing a few snacks, she thought she'd just let them have it for the night since it was a sleepover, usually she wouldn't give them snacks so late.

"What movie are we watching?" Beyoncé asks switching to Netflix as they all settled into the seats.


Rumi Alexis Sir Blue

Nicki Beyoncé and Papa

Beyoncé had him on her lap.

"The lego movie?" Blue suggests, she was the only one that had watched it before so the rest of them just nod agreeing to watch it.

"Lego movie it is."


Once the movie was over Sir had already fallen asleep so had Papa, Beyoncé had gone to put him in his crib, while Blue had offered to get Sir to bed.

Sir couldn't do his night routine since he had already fallen asleep so she just helped him change into his PJs before placing him on the bed, going to her room.

Onika had gone to help the girls do their nighttime routine, "Did mommy pack you an overnight bag?" She asks the little girl.

"Yeah." Alexis replies pulling out her backpack from Rumi's bed, she removed her nighties placing them on the bed.

Nicki got them bathed and dressed before helping them both get settled into Rumi's bed.

"Bedtime story?" Alexis asks when she was about to leave the room, her mom always read her one before she went to bed, she couldn't sleep without it.

Rumi never really asked for a bedtime story so Nicki wasn't sure what to read so she just pulled out the first story off the bookshelf.

"Okay let me read this one." She says sitting on the edge of the bed "The Little Red Riding Hood."

(A/N:- I'm not about to write this whole story 🙃)

By the time she was halfway through the story the two girls had already fallen asleep cuddled up with one another.

She just smiles closing the book, leaving out the room but not before switching on the nightlight- just in case.


So I updated after having been threatened... You know who you are!

*Cough cough* Anyways, this took me about an hour + to finish so if you looking for another update then this better have hmm... Lemme see....

40 votes + 10 comments otherwise, y'all can wait 😁

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