CHAPTER 1: Memory Lane

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Ella POV

I closed my eyes and I saw him. I opened my eyes and I saw him. I saw him in my dreams. I saw him when I was awake. I saw him every where.

Just like right now.

Here I am walking in town with my mind wonders in those memories from the past. I have been walking for hours. Stopped few times to sit at the coffee shops; to watch people. That is one thing I do best these days.

And, I saw him.

He was watching me. He never talked. Normally he just stood or sat there with the look he always gave me. In his grey shirt and grey knee length trousers.

No, I haven't lost my mind. And, no he was not actually there. He was from my past. That never leaves. Because I love him and I promised myself he was my last. And I don't want anyone else to replace him or touch me where he touched. I want to remember every little detail about him. About us. I want to remember it all.

And now he is walking next to me. Few steps ahead of me. Did I tell you he has long legs? Yeah, it has always been hard to catch up to him when we walked together. Seeing him here makes me smile. Oh how I wish I could talk to him and to have him actually talk to me back. But, that's not possible. I wished I had talked more when we were together. He always said we need to communicate more. Only if it was that easy. Now, all I see is his sad face. Sometimes he smiles. But, that's rare. I think it's because he wasn't really happy when we were together. I did not make him happy. I was not enough. It was too complicated. And, he left.

I have been broken since he left. Now, I have the same routine every day. Sleep. Wake up. Work. Eat. Sleep. Sometimes, I don't eat at all.

Today, it's different. Today I have been crying a lot. Today I'm losing it. Today, it's bad. I'm emotionally and physically tired. Really tired. But, my feet keep walking forward.

I forgot how he smelled. And this makes me cry again. I have been trying to remember details and hoping that it will help me remember how he smells. But, nothing helps.

I would do anything to remember how he smelled.

Then, I saw a man on his phone. And, I saw a van. The van coming this way really fast. And, I saw him. He looks really sad. And, I remember walking fast and pushing a man out of the way and I remember landing hard on the ground and experiencing pain like I never had before.

Right before I closed my eyes, I saw him kneel right next to me and he had tears in his eyes, like those days when he was telling me he didn't want to lose me. And then he was fading. I tried to reach him but he was too far away. And then all I heard was scream and people talking, but I couldn't catch a word.

But, I'm not sad anymore.


I was walking out of my office building to grab some lunch with Mike when I received a phone call from my mom. I have not seen Mike for months after he left for Spain. It's good to hang out with him again and discuss the new project he's working on right now. That's why I told him that I will meet him at the usual restaurant a few blocks away.

"I know mom, I'll talk to Joe to remind him again. I'm on it. Just leave it.." What the...!!! Someone pushed me and I landed hard on the ground and hit my forehead.

I saw my phone scattered.

And, all I heard was tires screeching and people screaming. And I stand up, stumbling a bit to catch my balance and that's when I see a woman. On the ground a few meters away. She isn't moving. There were a lot of noises in the background. Someone called 911. Some women were crying. And everything happened so fast. And I look down at the woman again and I see blood. So much blood.

Realization hit me.

She pushed me, so that I didn't get hit.

No. No. No!!! This isn't happening. Why did she do that?

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