CHAPTER 6: The fall

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“So you’re saying she has amnesia? Is it a temporary thing?” Mike asked as his mouth dropped when I told him what happened as soon as she woke up.

“The doctor said it could be permanent or temporary. He said we just have to see if she could remember in time.” And, I swallowed hard, still trying to accept the fact that she has lost her memory. Not even sure how much she lost. Or what she remembers. I wanted to ask her why she did what she did for me.

"Okay, how much does she remember?” Mike asked as he sat across from me. He came into the office to ask me out for lunch. I was trying to complete as much work as I could considering I have missed the office for a few days.

It’s almost 3pm, I guess I could have some lunch.

“She doesn’t even remember her name nor the accident. She seemed clueless.” I shared.

“Must be very scary.” Not knowing who you are and what happened.

I nod in agreement.

I couldn’t even imagine how that might feel. Not remembering things. Looking at her this morning in so much pain and vulnerability just makes me feel more protective. I’m not sure what it is about her, but I feel strongly for her. And to feel like this to a complete stranger, this is new for me.

After having late lunch with Mike I decided to drive home to change before heading to the hospital. It only took me 30 minutes to reach the hospital from my place. I was greeted by some of the staff as I walked to Ella’s room. Before the accident, I rarely visited the hospital. I only pay them a visit every couple of months, for some meetings, to make sure things are all good.

I heard a man’s voice from Ella’s room. Does she have a visitor?

“Does it hurt when I do this?” Ella is lying on her side with a man standing behind her and he has his hand way too low on her lower back.

What the hell!!

“Who the hell are you?” I rushed to her and demanded to know what’s going on while keeping my eyes on him.

“Mr Xavier. “ He nodded.

Yes that’s fucking good that you know who I am!

“I’m Marcus and I’m a Physical Therapist.” He continued.

“That still doesn’t explain why you had your hand where it was.” I glared at him.

“I was told that she has been complaining of lower back pain after the fall this morning and I’m here to help.”

“What fall?” I was looking at Marcus with wide eyes and then looking at Ella. She looks so innocent. She gave me and Marcus a confused look.

“I don’t like to repeat myself.”

Marcus hesitated. “Well, Sir I think it is best for you to ask the nurse since I wasn’t here when it happened.”

Fair enough.

I walked out of the room and demanded an answer from the nurses at the nursing counter.

“We did our rounds this morning and found her already on the floor.” The brunette nurse, whose name is Moss, informed me. She stopped and then looked everywhere else but not me.

"She said that she needed the bathroom and she wanted to go on her own. She didn’t press the call bell.”

“Why wasn’t I informed?”

“Sir, you just left for about half an hour when it happened. I didn’t think…”

I look straight at her challenging her to continue while trying to keep my cool. And, she didn’t continue. 

Not so stupid after all.

"Well, Ms Moss. I don’t care what you think. Don’t assume. You, not thinking of calling me when it happened could have been the reason to get you fired. Don’t let this happen again!” I said with tight lips.

She nodded. So as the other two nurses around.

When I returned, Ella was still on her side with an ice pack on her lower back. That Marcus guy is still there. I just couldn’t help and glared at him, remembering where his hands were a moment ago.

“Why didn’t you call the nurse if you needed the bathroom?” I sit on the bed and kiss her forehead.

“I thought I could walk to the bathroom by myself. It wasn’t far. But then my head spinned and I landed on the floor.”

“Did you knock your head? Where does it hurt?”

“My head is fine. Only my butt and my left ankle.” She has her hand on her left buttock as she said this. And, my eyes landed where her hand was. 

I swallowed hard. Seeing that she is only wearing a thin layer of light blue hospital gown with strings all the way from her top to bottom back. And realizing that she is not wearing anything else underneath her gown. I shifted uncomfortably in my pants.

The fuck!

This Marcus guy better not be touching her right down there! Or, he is going to lose his job!

What? Max. This is so strange.

This is an unfamiliar feeling. It makes me feel uneasy. To be this protective to a woman I know nothing much about. This is not normal.

I pull her blanket up to her waist, realizing that Marcus' guy has the view of her exposed back since he is standing right behind her. He was writing something on the hospital's note and wasn’t looking at us. 

But, still! No way I’m going to let him have that view!

“Alright. I’m going to apply this sport tape on your back to help with the pain and swelling. You can have it on for three days. Unless it starts to itch, then you can remove it asap. Skin reactions are rare though.” Marcus said as he removed the ice pack off Ella’s lower back.

The son-of-a-bitch has his hands on Ella’s butt and lower back again. I kept my eyes on him the whole time he was putting the beige color tape on her. But, he didn’t even look at me or give me any reaction. He smiles as he looks at her. 

My jaw tense. I swear I’m two seconds away from punching his face.

“Thanks, Marcus. It feels better now after the massage and the ice.” She smiles sweetly at him.

What massage? Wait. What massage??

He returns her smile. “No worries. I’ll check up on you tomorrow.”


He's been massaging her butt before I come? Skin on skin? His hands rubbing her butt?? 

Oh, no Marcus. You are not going to fucking check up on her tomorrow!

“Are you done?” I asked impatiently.

He nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Now, get lost!” I gave him a murderous look.

Marcus had an amusing smile on his face before he walked out of the door.

Ella frowned and scowled at me. “Why did you have to be rude to him? He is a nice guy. I like him.” She pouted.

“Oh, are you now?”

I could definitely use some punching bags right now.

Hey love, I'm still waiting for the vote and comments. Send me some love and xoxo


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