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Ella POV

I have stayed at the hospital for two weeks when Max told me that I'm allowed by the doctors to go home today. I still need physical therapy sessions though, for my back and soon my ankle after the cast is removed.

Max said I'm staying with him at his penthouse for now. And, I'm thankful to him for that because I wouldn't know where else to go while I figured out where I belonged.

At this moment, I don't even know who I am.

The only thing I have with me is the rucksack Max passed to me at the hospital. It did give me little information of who I am and where I'm from. My mobile phone does have lots of pictures saved on it but it didn't explain who those people were. The folder did say friends, family and loved ones. I did look happy in most photos. But, I have no memory of them or the moment those photos were taken. I spent hours looking at the photos of my loved ones. It mostly were my photos with this Caucasian man whose name is Damon.

Is he my boyfriend? Does Max know him?

I made a mental note to ask him later.

Max has a really nice penthouse and it's only ten minutes away from his office building. I look around his penthouse, which to me looks more like a mansion. It has floor to ceiling windows all around, I remember I have always liked floor to ceiling windows but maybe not this much. And the living room is designed with black and dark brown furniture with some grey details. It looks too masculine to my liking.

It looks so Max.

But, why would a man needs so much space? He can play futsal in here. I can't help but grin at the thought of him playing futsal. I don't think he is a futsal kind of guy.

"Let me show you to your bedroom." Max walked past me with my rucksack in his hand. "Since you are still on your crutches, I reckon you can use one of the bedrooms down here." He continued as he opened one of the room's door.

You have got to be kidding me!

Even the bedroom has a floor to ceiling window, overlooking Central Park?! This can't be real. Max must have really liked windows. And, grey.

The bed linens, the wall and furniture are mostly grey and brown. It's a nice size bedroom with the bed placed right at the center of the room facing the windows. It's a good thing those windows have curtains, otherwise I don't think I would be able to sleep in.

I like sleeping. He said I nap all the time.

I frowned at that.

Yes, I remember someone used to tell me I nap all the time. I just don't know who. Or, is it just my feeling?

"Do you not like it? We can pick another room for you, no worries." Max was standing in front of me right now. I didn't notice him coming my way.

"No. This is great. It's just different."

"Different in what way? Do you remember something?"

"This just somehow feels different to what I'm used to. Or what I think I'm used to. This is just too fancy. I think I'm used to simplicity and a lot of..... white." He may think I sound a bit nuts now.

"And I just remember that someone used to tell me that I nap all the time." I continued.

"Do you remember who?"

I shook my head. And I'm glad Max didn't ask further questions.

"So, how do we meet Max? You said we are friends. I have been wanting to ask you this at the hospital but never really get the chance."

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