CHAPTER 12: Book Store Trip

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Ella POV

It's been four days since Max left for his business trip in L.A. No phone call. Not even a text message.

Maybe he has been busy?

But, texting only takes you seconds.

What is he busy with?

Work, silly! And, other women maybe?

No, he wouldn't do that right?

Max is a nice guy.

He wouldn't be with other woman right after he slept with me, right? He is not that kind of man!

But, how would you know? You hardly know him.

He did say he had few flings here and there on and off, remember that?

That was before we slept together!

But, what makes you think you are any special or different from those women?

That feels like a hit in the face.

Gosh! I need to stop thinking about Max. I need to do something. I've been having the same routine everyday. Stella will help me get ready in the morning, then she will make sure I take my medicines and she helped me with my dressing for the last two days but now it's good that my wounds healed perfectly so that I don't need dressings anymore. But, the cast on my left ankle is really annoying. They said I have to use the elbow crutches as long as I still have the cast on.


Maybe I should explore the penthouse.

Yes, I'll do that! Let's see how many rooms this place has. I'll start with rooms closer to mine. So far he has three other guest rooms on my floor. I walk to the other room at the end.

Whoa! Is this his library?

It's probably the nicest reading room I've seen. It has floor to ceiling book cabinets, dark brown big long couches at the center of the room, dark brown wood flooring and some floor to ceiling glass windows. It looks too masculine, just like his living room. But, it's comfortable.

I scan through his books. Business Adventure by John Brooks.


Good to Great by James Collins.


The Lean Startup by Eric Ries.


The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

Oh my god! Does he have any book at all that's not business-related here?!

That's it! I can go out and buy some books.

I get my phone out and text Sebastian. I was told he is Max's bodyguard and driver. He is kind of a badass. He is bulky and tall. But, he never smiles. The first time I saw him at the hospital he kind of scared me a bit.

Sebastian, it's Ella. Can you come and take me to a bookstore? I need to buy books. Thanks.- Ella

Be there in 10 minutes - Sebastian

Ten minutes is not enough for me to go and change. And, Stella is not here anymore. I look down at what I'm wearing. White plain summer dress that reaches down to my mid-thigh. I can wear this with my grey sweater and my white converse. Not bad.

"Ms Adam, are you ready?" I was just done with my shoe when Sebastian walked in.

"Oh, yes. By the way, just call me Ella." I smile wide at him. I'm so excited that i get to go out for the first time in many days.

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