CHAPTER 23: Ten Questions Game

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She really likes white. And, that white one piece bikini she is wearing right now is sexy as hell.

I've been watching her from the balcony and I noticed a few guys were watching her. She didn't even notice them. She was just lying there on the sand reading her book.

I walked to her and lay on her side.

"Hey, want to play a 10 questions game?"

She put her book down on her chest and turned to face me. "Sure."

"Favourite band?" I ask while playing with her hair.

"The Script."

I frowned. "Who?"

"The Script. You know, Breakeven, The man who can't be moved." This time she frowned.

"Never heard of them."

"Are you like being serious right now? How can you not hear of them? They are like the best band ever!" This time she sits up and gives me an almost angry look.

I like her like this. When she is carefree like this.

I lie on my back and rest my hands over my head.

"Nope, never heard of them. And I think the best band ever is Coldplay sweetheart."

And she hits me right on the head. I didn't see that coming. Did she just hit me in the head?

"Did you just do that?"

She pouts and nods.

I picked her up and ran toward the water. And, that's when she screamed. Now, you didn't see this one coming did you.

I give her a smug smile.

"No no no please..."

I was about to throw her in the water, when she held my neck real tight.

"No no no I can't swim."


I look for her eyes. "Really?"

She looks really scared.

She still has her hands on my neck tight. This time she rested her chin on my shoulder. I make her wrap her legs on my waist while walking slightly deeper into the water.

"No, Max please get me out..." And I cut her words with a kiss.

"Trust me." I whisper in her ear before I continue kissing her.

"Favourite destination?"


"What's your favourite place to visit?" I asked her again.

"Santorini. I like how white everything is there. Well, at least from the pictures I've seen." She answers with no hesitation.

I should have guessed it.

"What's yours?" She asked me. She doesn't look so scared anymore but she still holds me tight.

Not that I mind.

"I love the countryside in Ireland. I'll take you there sometimes. You'll love it." I smile and kiss her neck.

Yeah, she will love it.

"Favourite food?" This time she asked me.


Ella looks like she was thinking for a while. "I don't really have one favourite type. As long as it tastes good, then I'm good. But, if I must choose one then I guess, Thai food?" It was more like she was questioning herself.

Then, she giggled.

Oh, how I missed that cute little giggle.

I really like it when she is carefree like this.

"Why do you like white so much?" I ask while walking with her still with her legs wrapped on my waist toward the beach.

"White defines simplicity. Clean. Pure. I love everything white. What's your favourite colour?"


She unwrapped her hands from my neck and got off from my hold as soon as we reached the beach. I immediately miss her body against mine.


Ella and I both turned around only to find a man who suddenly had Ella in his arms.

What the fuck?! "Hey, get your hands off her!" I said as I pushed that man off her and pulled Ella to me.

That startled both of them.

"Patrick?" Ella said while still staring at that guy.

I turned to look at her.

She knows him?

Who the fuck is Patrick, now?

"I think you the one who needs to get your fucking hands off her." He moves closer to me.

Ella moves in between us. "You two, stop it now!" She said while facing me.

"Who the hell is he?"

That Patrick guy has his hand on her waist now.

"I said get your hand off her."

"Or what?" He challenged me.

I take a few steps forward and Ella has his hand on my chest. "Max stop it! He's my brother! And, you too! Stop it!" She shouted, this time facing Patrick.

This asshole is her brother?

I look at her and then to that Patrick guy. They don't look anything alike. He frowned at me and I clenched my jaw.

"And who the hell is he?" He asked Ella while still staring at me.

I keep my eyes on him.

"Well, this is Maxwell." She said while facing him.

The fuck! That's it? That's how she introduced me to her asshole brother?

"The boyfriend." I added, while still directing my eyes at him.

He frowned and looked down at Ella. "Is that true?"

Ella turned to look at me. I gave her a straight face and wink. She turned to look at Patrick again and I saw her nods.

Now it's my turn to give him a smug face.

"Come with me. We need to talk. Alone." Patrick was having Ella's hand in his.

"Can I?" Ella turned around and asked.

That kind of surprised me a bit. I didn't expect her to ask.

I can tell that really ticked Patrick off. "You didn't have to ask for his permission. He doesn't own you." He was looking at her in disbelief.

He was right about her not having to ask me for permission. But, I thought it was nice that she did ask.

It feels really nice, actually.

I smile at her and give her a small nod.

"Take your phone with you." I said as I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

I can hear Patrick swearing in the background.

Ella nods and walks toward the balcony. She puts on her white sundress over her bikini and grabs her phone.

She walks to me and kisses me on the cheek before she walks away with her brother.

She better come back.

I got into the beach house and checked my phone. There were two missed calls and text messages from Sebastian.

Got some news, someone named Patrick Adam who claimed to be Ms Adam's brother was asking the embassy about her last Friday. - Sebastian

Great. That was a little too late of a head start now was it.

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