CHAPTER 28: Not Leaving Without Her

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I still can't believe Ella left me. I keep trying to figure out why she would run away, during the whole journey to Spain.

It's been three days since she left. She has been ignoring my calls and text messages. I learned that she left for Barcelona and is staying with her brother.

I think three days is enough time for her to think; whatever it is that she needed to think.

It's time to bring her home.

"You have some nerve coming here!" Patrick launched forward with his fist as soon as his door opened, but he was stopped by Sebastian.

"Where is she?" I looked around his place, but Ella was not visible.

"Get the hell out of my place before I .."

"I'm here to bring her back. Where is she?" I cut him off.

"So, what. Now you suddenly decided that you want the baby?!"

I just don't get it. He really likes to test my patience. "What gives you the idea that I didn't want my child? Wait, did Ella tell you that?! Are you fucking kidding me? She left me and ran away carrying my child!" I took a deep breath and tried hard not to lose it.

"Now, where is she?!" I continued.

Patrick released himself from Sebastian's hold. He walked to the fridge and got himself a beer. Then he smirked at me while drinking his beer.

Okay, maybe I should really elbow him back in Malibu. That should serve him right.

"Relaxs. She is in the room, sleeping. She has been sleeping a lot, actually." He pointed to the direction of the room on his right.

I rushed to the room he pointed. Good thing her door is not locked. And, there I saw her lying on her side. As I reached closer, I noticed her face a little wet.

Was she crying?

I frowned at that sight.

Did I do anything to upset her before she left? What's going on?

I really want to get into bed with her and just cuddle her. But, I don't know if that's a good idea. If she was upset with me, I don't want to upset her more. I remember her doctor said that she needs bed rest and to not stress her out.

Maybe I should let her sleep a bit more while I try to figure out what's going on with her.

I left her room and saw Patrick and Sebastian sitting in the living room with beers in their hands.

"Did she tell you anything?" I sit on the couch while eyeing whatever tv show they are watching.

"She came in looking like a big mess and told me she is pregnant and then, she had a little break down. I just assumed you didn't want the baby."

"Did she say why she left?" I look at Patrick, hopeful. Just tell me something.

He shaked his head.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"That's the thing. Nothing. I don't even know why she was upset." I turned to look at Sebastian whose eyes fixed on the TV. "Do you know anything?" I asked him.

Sebastian looked at me surprised. "No?" He said with a big frown. It sounded more like a question.

Why did I even bother?

"She probably came to her senses and figured out that she didn't want you. That you were a big mistake and that she would rather be with me, her only favourite person." Said Patrick with a straight face.

I really should have killed him back in Malibu. He is such a pain in the bumhole.

"What are you doing here?" A small voice coming from behind us.


I stood up to face her and took a few steps toward her. Only to have her walk away from me. She moved closer to her brother.

"Hey, it's okay. Breathe." Patrick has his hand on Ella's back.

"Do you want me to kick him out of here?" He asked her.

I just stared at her from where I stood. I kept my distance. It's a hell of a difficult thing to do. I really wanted to just rush to her and pull her in my arms and just tell her that it's alright.

She didn't respond to Patrick's question. So, she didn't really want me out of here. She wanted me, I just know.

The hell!

I lunged forward and pulled her in my arms. I could feel Ella's body stiffen. She looks so pale. She was holding her breath.

"Aye! Let her go!"

I lift my hand to stop Patrick from talking. "Let me. Please." I begged.

The woman I love stiffen in my arms. And, I didn't even know what I did wrong. I feel so defeated right now.

"Baby, please just breathe. Please. I don't know what I did wrong. But, whatever it was, I'm sorry. I love you and I love our baby. Please, come home." I never had to beg any women before.

I wish I knew how to do this right.

"I don't know how to do this." She said softly with her face still on my chest.

"Darling, it's okay. I don't know how to do this either. But, we'll learn together. And, everything will be okay."

Ella took a step back. "You don't understand. I don't know how to do this." She looked down at her baby bump.

"What are you saying?"

She took a few more steps back. She looked at Patrick and then at Sebastian, who are now both in the kitchen not far from us. Then she looked at me, before she looked away.

"I don't know if I'm ready." She said, not looking at me.

Did she mean the baby? She isn't ready for the baby? Is that what she was saying?

"Ella. What are you saying?"

"Max, leave me alone, okay! Please, I need time to think."

"I'm not leaving without you!" For a moment, we just stood there staring at each other. I'm not leaving without you, Ella.

"Maybe you should go." Patrick said from behind me.

"I'll talk to her." He whispered.

"I'm not leaving without her."

"I won't let her do anything stupid. I promise." He gave me a small smile before he walked to Ella and soon they both disappeared into one of the rooms.

My Ella would never hurt our baby, right??

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