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The new school term had just begun and Blue couldn't be anymore excited to go back, Rumi also... obviously. Sir was pretty chill about it.

Both Beyoncé and Onika's schedules we're becoming heavily loaded so they'd hired a trained nanny to cater for Papa while the older kids were at school and they were at work.


The kids had woken up in the morning to Onika already dressed and ready to go out while Beyoncé had gone to work already.

"You going out early today?" Blue asks as they all had their breakfast which consisted of chocolate chip pancakes and strawberry smoothies.

"Yeah I'm gonna be quite busy for the next couple of weeks." She says thinking about what her manager had told her just the day before.

She hadn't told Beyoncé yet talk less of the kids, she was going to be traveling to LA to promote her new album which she wasn't sure how the kids were going to react to.


She'd dropped the kids off at school while Papa stayed home with the new live-in nanny-Margret-who was a nice older lady probably in her late 40's, they'd already met and talked with the woman before plus they had multiple security around the house 24/7 so they weren't really worried about leaving Papa in her care.

She then set off in the direction of the studio ready to get back to work.


"Hello kids and welcome back to the new school term I hope you all enjoyed your break?" The teacher asks to which all the children nodded.

Blue had been looking around the class all day but there was no sign of King, she'd asked Kiki if she'd seen the boy but she too hadn't.

The whole entire school day was bland and boring, so when the teacher asked them to get to know each other and such since it was the first day she'd just stayed on her seat while Kiki being Kiki went ahead to make friends with the new students.

Sometimes she wishes she could be as extroverted as the girl, then maybe she'd have more friends.


"Rumi!" Both girls went in for a quick embrace as soon as they spotted each other like they hadn't seen one another barely two weeks ago.

"Hi." Rumi smiles shyly as soon as they let go of one another "Where's the necklace?" She asks when she remembers.

"See." Alexis smiles pulling down her collar to show the girl, "Come I wanna show you something."

They both walked towards their desks where Alexis opens her book bag pulling out a necklace that looked a little like the one Rumi gave her.

"Since you got me one I got you one too, but it's not as ex.. ex.. as rich as your own." She says struggling to say the word 'expensive' "but it's still cute."

"I love it." Rumi smiles widely taking it from her "It's really pwetty."

"Glad you like it." Just then the teacher tells them all to sit down so they could start the first lesson of the day.

While all this was happening Sir was already over by his friends.. "Hi guys." He smiles taking a seat by them.

"Hey." They both chorus together.

"So what did you guys do on the break?"

"I went on a trip with my daddy to the bamamas." Ronnie smiles.

"It's the Bahamas." Sir corrects with a laugh.

"Yeah yeah...See what I got." He waves him off pulling out three beautiful coloured sea shells from his bag.

"One for you. One for kulture." He says handing them one each.

"Thank you." Sir smiles putting it in his bag.

"I'm gonna use it to make a bracelet." Kulture says repeating the same actions as Sir "While you were doing that, I went to my Aunty house and she's really cool, she let me stay up."

"You not suppose to stay up late my mama would never allow." Sir says to that.

"Well my mama too but she wasn't around now was she?"

Just then their teacher asks all of them to sit for the first lesson making the three kids stop their conversation.


"Where's mama?" Blue asks as she enters the car. The driver had come to pick them up instead of Beyoncé or Onika.

"They're both busy." The driver replies monotonously putting up the partition.

Blue just rolls her eyes.. "rude.. much." She mumbles under her breath.

"Mama and mommy no come pick us up today?" Rumi was the one that asks this as both she and Sir entered the car too.

"I'm afraid not." Blue replies back helping them settle in "they're busy."

"Okay but they'll come back soon right? I wanna tell them about my day." Sir says.

"Yeah, they'll probably be back before dinner."


To sum it up, the two parents hadn't come back till after dinner, Blue had helped the kids to sleep while she waited in the living room for them.

Both adults walked into the house at around 12a.m in the morning, Blue had already fallen asleep waiting for them.

Onika had just walked past not even noticing the girl on the couch and had fallen asleep not even a minute after her head had hit the pillows.

"What are you still doing here?" Beyoncé asks sleepily picking Blue up from the couch.

Though she was a bit heavy she still manages to get the girl to her room, "Waiting up for you guys." Blue yawns out not still fully awake.

"You have school tomorrow, you gotta sleep." She says laying the girl down on the bed who had already fallen back asleep.

"Goodnight baby." She mumbles placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight." Blue mumbles turning over on the bed.


I dunno about this chapter man, but eh I tried my best..

Anyways let's see 30votes + 10 comments= Update >:)

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