lost soul

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Being alive is remarkable and sweet, thinking of the good things happening in your life, everything rhyming at your own pase, time, later on life becomes a mess by just a blink of an eye but Why?. That's the question you ask yourself. Pleasing this world isn't just enough much less when you accept anything that comes your way, it's time to be you even at your worst experience. 
For instance when your backup in life tends to lose up because your wings are trying to grow, wooow, that's when you realise that whatever was said never mattered, indeed lift me up.
Time runs so fast that we tend to forget that we need to make ourself love bigger than the love we pursue to anyone else bit who, its time we tend to love ourselves more than anyone else that we know because whatever isn't yours will never be yours however much you try to take it to your hands it can never be yours even if you try to grab it by force it can never be yours, so this teaches you that never compete for things that aren't meant for you, your own time is coming and God only knows what is taking long for things to be on your plate. Patience is a true virtue to grasp and not easy to keep because desperation can kill that journey of pursue.
A lost soul always wonders in a world of greatness and discovers so very many things to take up but can be defeated with lies of extravagant souls.

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