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"I was on the slopes right, and I'm just gliding down the hill, then I see this babe just start to stumble down the hill and I start laughing because she's rolling down the mountain. I finally catch up with her and I can't stop laughing, then I help her up." Garrett started this very real story about what happened this morning snowboarding.

"No way." Matt was so engrossed in this terrible story that Garrett was telling him, which I did not believe even happened.

"Yeah! Then I helped her up, grabbed her hand, and had to flirt with her. Then some dude comes behind me and punches the shit out of me and yells at me to stay away from her. And that's the story of my black eye."

"Cool story bro, don't tell it again!" I yell as I walk up the stairs to my room.

"Jess, we're going to go out and board, are you coming?" Matt asks.

Before I can respond, Garrett does. "Matt, please do not invite her, she's going to make us look bad."

"No Garrett, I'm not leaving her here." Matt defended me.

I just ignored them and got all my gear on. Why does he assume I can't snowboard? I have two arms, two legs, a head, and a nose, just like he does, except for one part, and that's where I'm fixing to make Garrett change into a female if he won't shut his mouth.

But he just doesn't know that we had a house on a ski mountain. We used to go and snowboard all the time in the winter.

I felt like pushing Garrett down a hill, but he paid for some of this trip and I would like to see his face as I cross the finish line before him.

Maybe next time I'll push him down.

I walked back down the stairs and put my boots on, then grabbed my board that I rented and went outside on the porch.

"Jess you're ready to get your ass kicked?" Garrett asked, sitting by me on the stairs.

"I didn't know we were racing, nor do I want to," I responded, not even looking at him.

He chuckled, "I see, you're scared. We can race down the bunny hill."

"Whatever, let's just go. Where are we going?" I begin to walk over to the lift to the mountain.

"Are you sure you're ready for that? I mean you can't even stand straight on the board right now."

"What? I'm standing straight right now, what-." Then he slightly pushed me down and I landed right on my face.

I stood back up and put my board vertically to the ground aiming for his foot. Well, he has boots on but may as well.

I jabbed my board down on his foot, and he immediately stopped laughing and had a painful expression on his face. "Thanks, Jess," Garrett growled.

"No problem sweetheart."

"Let's go, ladies, I have a bet to win!" I grabbed a seat on the lift and began to ride up the mountain. The boys grabbed the one behind me. Soon enough, I was looking down on the mountain ready to go.

I looked at Matt, "Wait, Matt, go ahead and then get this on film! I want to see Garrett's face when I cross the finish first."

"In your dreams pretty girl." He responded.

"Save the flirting for when I'm gone, bye. Don't kill each other!" Matt said then raced off down the hill dodging other people on the way.

I nodded at Garrett to let him know I was ready to go. He gave me a slight smirk and wobbled his way to the edge.

I asked a person to count down for us to go so we wouldn't 'cheat' as Garrett called it. "Three. two. one. go!"

My heartbeat picked up as I made my way down the hill. I swerved in between about five people in fifteen seconds. But I guess that's what makes you better, getting around obstacles.

Garrett and I were still pretty close to each other, but he was in the lead about two feet ahead of me. I have to win. I need to show him that girls can do anything a guy can do. He's so annoying, I need to prove to him that he shouldn't doubt a girl.

I'm a very competitive person when it comes to bets. He should know that.

There was a small ramp ahead that I knew he wouldn't take because he's not the type of person who would take larger risks when he makes a bet. If I did the trick, I would catch a few seconds in front of him.

If I took it, I could do a front-side spin-off of it to show off that I know a little bit about boarding. I hope he'll see me because since he's in front I know he won't be paying attention to what's behind him.

I ease up to the ramp and glide straight for the middle of the ramp and gain a little bit more speed up to it. I position myself as I'm going up it to do the spin. I spin counterclockwise opening my shoulders up so that my "front side" is the first side of my body going forward off the jump in the first 90 degrees of his spin.

I land it perfectly, actually getting ahead of Garrett as I was hoping.

Once I was on a straight-away, I looked back and saw Garrett gawking, his mouth was open and his eyes were fixing to pop out of his head.

I was nearing the finish line because I saw a crowd of people waiting at the finish. There was another jump, and from my view, it was a ledge. I think I'll perform a one-two. I rode to where the middle of the ledge was, did my trick, and landed back on the ground with just a small stumble.

I eased to the finish line where everyone was cheering as they saw Garrett and I come in.

I crossed the finish with another victory to add. My adrenaline was pumping so hard, I could run to the moon and back and still not be tired.

A few moments later Garrett finished and I went up to him, "maybe next time you won't doubt a girl, pretty boy." I blew him a kiss and walked away.

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