Chapter 45 - Bloodsport

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Malachi sat against the wall next to where Ailech stood with Nevaeh. The mage watched him with a curious look on his face before he slid down the wall to sit and mutter something to him. Malachi didn't answer, keeping his eyes on James instead. I glanced between my Pair and brother, just as confused as Ailech as to what was going on between them. Then I remembered I didn't have to be. I snaked my Gift out toward Malachi.

His ever present anger met me first, his armor and shield against the world and life he had lived. It tasted metallic, but I moved past it, delving deeper. There was his fear, thick and cold like a heavy stone, suspicion mixed with smug vindication, disgust, and then, deeper still, buried low, was sadness, the aching loss of grief. It hurt, making my chest lock tightly with something monstrous pressing in on it. I snatched my Gift back.

My eyes fell on James next, wondering if I could feel what he felt still. But before my power even neared him, his eyes snapped to mine.

"I wouldn't," he warned, sensing me somehow.

"Trust takes time and evidence - only one of which we have right now."

Trust is a choice, time and evidence just make people feel better about their choosing.

He answered silently, reminding me yet again that we were connected, that whether his emotions were true or not, whether he was truthful or not, he was my Pair. And we needed each other. He continued.

There is more in here than you know, and little of it is good, but you need to trust me. Please, I'm trying. This is still new to me.

I paused, thinking. His words had always calmed me, reassured me, and I felt that same feeling unfurl again, or try to. Trust was a choice, and if I was going to help him, I had to choose it. I nodded.

"I guess my evidence will be your actions then."

He smiled soft, thanking me.

"Then let's play. You and Malachi and Ailech versus a Fallen - a little closer practice than we've been able to do before." He turned his attention back to where Malachi and Ailech sat. "A friendly game of Master? What's it been, fourteen years, batnae?"

Malachi scowled at the name.

"I don't know, I think I might have hurt my fist a little when it hit your face so hard." He flexed his hand in front of him, testing it before giving a faked grimace.

"I'd hate to aggravate and old injury of yours. I know how delicate you can be."

Malachi didn't return James' smirk.

"Bragging because you're better now from no effort of your own is a bit backward, no? You were gifted the upper-hand, whereas before you came back, I seem to remember beating you easily. And that was by training, by skill and effort, not lucky parentage."

"Hm, I never thought of being my father's son as lucky. Interesting viewpoint. Missing him that badly?"

"Fuck yo-"

"James, enough!"

Malachi and Ailech were both on their feet as I stepped between them and my Pair. Kael and Nevaeh looked openly shocked in the background. James just rolled his neck, pushing his shoulders down to loosen his tensed muscles. Then I felt the telltale cold stream down my body. I glared at him, though his eyes were closed as he waited for the collar's reminder to pass, his fists clenched down by his side. He blew out a slow, uneven breath when he opened his eyes again.

"What the hell was that?" Malachi said into the silence. "Wait - you didn't - you collared yourself?" His voice rose with disbelief. "Again?"

"Yeah, well, going from Ambriel's puppet to fully my own didn't come without it's difficulties. I'm doing the best I can." James sounded unapologetic despite his words, like he hadn't noticed how all the malice in Malachi's voice had drained.

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