LEVEL 23 - "Pro Hero Thirteen"

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A/N:   I had no fucking clue that you spelled et cetera (etc) like that

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A/N: I had no fucking clue that you spelled et cetera (etc) like that. The more you know, I guess?

Also, thirteens gender is unconfirmed. Though, they are referred to 'he' once... but I'll just stick with neutral pronouns to not cause any arguments in the comments!

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"Hello, everyone! I've been waiting for you!" An... astronaut (?) exclaims once the group of children get off the bus and gather around.

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!" Izuku fanboys about the pro hero.

"Woo-hoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka agrees, pumping her fist in the air.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" Thirteen gestures towards the building behind them.

"This is gonna be so cool!" The students awe before moving to enter the building.

Inside the building, there seemed to be six different 'zones' and a main plaza.

"Holy shit! It looks like some kind of amusement park!" Kirishima exclaims as the students look around.

"A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. Et cetera— I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforseen Simulation Joint. But, you can call it, USJ!"

Just like Universal Studios Japan... The majority of the students thought.

"Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already? Let me guess, he booked an interview instead." Aizawa rolls his eyes, walking up to thirteen.

"Actually, it's something else." Thirteen says as Aizawa turns towards them.

"Hm?" Aizawa questions as the other pro hero whispers something to him, the words being unheard by the group of students.

"That man is the height of irresponsibility." Aizawa sighs, shaking his head before glancing over at the students.

"The clocks ticking. We should get started." Aizawa then moves out of the way, standing of to the side.

"Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or five." Thirteen says as the students sweatdrop.

We get it...

Thirteen holds up their hand, "Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." The pro hero explains as Uraraka nods repeatedly, the sight being somewhat comedic.

"Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" Izuku asks as Thirteen nods in confirmation.

"That's true, but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill." Thirteen explains as Iida, Izuku, and Uraraka gasp.

Well, obviously. She's pretty sure you can kill somebody with any quirk and anything... hm... she wonders if she could kill somebody with a rubber duck..? Y/n thought to herself for a moment before dismissing her thoughts.

"Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous, like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your quirks potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save other people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others." Eighteen finishes their speech.

...Do all heroes do speeches like that? Maybe she should've just became a villain... less work, seems easier...

"That's all I have to say." Thirteen dramatically bows, "Thank you so much for listening."

Most of the students cheer for the pro hero as Aizawa sighs, "Right. Now that that's over—"

Suddenly, all the lights around the USJ go out, the water fountain stopping a bit for a moment before a dark purple portal appears infront of it.

Aizawa's eyes widen, turning around to see the portal infront of the fountain.

"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa orders as the students look towards him in confusion. "Thirteen. Protect the students!"

"Woah, what is that thing?" Kirishima asks as the students look over to see multiple people walking out of the portal. "Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"Stay back!" Aizawa demands the moment a student tries to take a step forward. He puts his goggles on, glaring at the villains who continue to walk out of the portal. "This is real. Those are villains."

The students gasp, taken aback and worried by the information.

Real... villains?

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