LEVEL 25 - "Nomu"

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A/N:  I'm late on this upload, sorry!

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A/N: I'm late on this upload, sorry!

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She soon felt a chill in the air that made her immediately look over to her left, where the feeling was coming from.

There was... Todoroki? He was freezing the villains that surrounded him.

"..Not to bad." She notes before she almost immediately getting her legs frozen.

Wonder if he'll ever use his fire...

She deadpans as the boy who blinks at her before letting the ice melt, not even apologizing.

"Their plan was to scatter us, and then kill us. But they were woefully unprepared." He briefly explains to the protagonist who nods in confirmation.

He turns to look at the pitiful villains who were had their legs frozen in ice, "It looks to me as though they've had no training at all. They haven't the slightest idea how to use their quirks."

"This power..." One of them mutters, "He froze us the istant we warped here."

"He's not a kid, he's a monster!" Another yells as Todoroki walks down the hill towards them.

The girl follows the multi-colored hair boy silently.

She is paused as she feels someone's presence behind her, she goes to react but didn't as she saw Todoroki grab the spear the man was holding, freezing him.

"Listen well. If you stay frozen, your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia. Luckily for you, I wish to be a hero. So I'd like to avoid any unnecessary torture." Todoroki speaks before putting his hand on the man in front of him's face, "But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might. That's the only way you'll survive."

"How cruel." The girl next to him notes in a dull tone, but doesn't make any objections.

"Hm.." She tilts her head to the side as she looks at the rest of the frozen villains.

Her expression was blank as they seemed to plead to her to get the boy to stop his actions.

She stuck her tongue out at them childishly before looking back at Todoroki who had finished unfreezing the man's head.

"I-I'll tell you! I promise! Our plan is..."

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