Thoughts ♚·°

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As someone who has had intrusive thoughts and still does much more than I'd like, I want those who struggle with anxiety and depression to know that there is still hope for you.

As someone who grew up in a Christian household, I thought I was a Christian just because I grew up going to church and my family were Christians.

It's much deeper than that honestly. It's about a relationship with Jesus.

Being a Christian means following Christ and belonging to Christ. Being a child of the Most High God and being a part of the body of Christ that Jesus will be coming back for soon.

Even though we may have crazy thoughts and our emotions and feelings react to those things, by belonging to Jesus, we no longer have to be subject, a victim, or in bondage of that thing.

We have God to carry that for us instead of trying to do that on our own. The devil will try to make you think and believe that there's no hope for you and it will be like that forever. That's a lie. Why? Because the devil NEVER tells the truth. He's a backstabber and he takes advantage of people and plays with people's lives like they're pawns and livestock.

You're more than just a number, you were created by God, through Jesus and for Jesus.

That's why it's about a relationship with Jesus and confessing and believing who He is according to the scriptures. ♥

I want you all to start asking questions. It is wise to want understanding.

If there's something you don't understand, ask questions.


°·♔ Jesus ♔·° °·♔ is ♔·° °·♔ Lord ♔·°

February 12, 2023

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