Chapter 1: The Meeting

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(Author  note : I seen almost all sport anime and decide to write my own , i been writing for year but I wasn't planning to publish them but I say why not )
DISCLAMIER : Boy X Boy , Shounen Ai
Orignal work
Chapter 1: The Meeting You

Takumi was preparing for his upcoming competition, focused on every little detail of his performance. He was on the ice rink, practicing his jumps and spins, when he heard a commotion coming from the basketball court nearby. Curious, he decided to take a break and investigate.

As he approached the court, he saw a group of players practicing, but his attention was immediately drawn to one player in particular. He was tall and muscular, with short black hair and intense blue eyes. He moved with a fluidity and grace that Takumi had never seen before in a basketball player.

Rei noticed Takumi watching and quickly became self-conscious, feeling like he must look silly on the court. But Takumi saw the beauty in Rei's movements, and it was then that he realized he had never been attracted to anyone like this before.

As Takumi was about to introduce himself, one of the other players called out to Rei, interrupting their moment. Rei quickly said goodbye to Takumi, promising to meet him again someday.

Takumi couldn't stop thinking about Rei as he resumed his skating practice, wondering if he would ever see him again. Little did he know that fate had other plans in store for them.

As the days went by, Takumi couldn't get Rei out of his mind. He found himself constantly checking the basketball court during his breaks, hoping to catch another glimpse of the mysterious player.

One day, as he was leaving the rink, he saw Rei sitting on a bench outside. Takumi approached him and introduced himself, feeling nervous but excited at the same time.

Rei was surprised but happy to see Takumi, and the two began to talk about their respective sports. Takumi was fascinated by Rei's passion for basketball, and Rei was impressed by Takumi's dedication to figure skating.

As they talked, they began to realize that they had more in common than they thought. They both had a fierce competitive spirit and a desire to be the best in their respective fields. And they both had a deep appreciation for the beauty and artistry of their sports.

As the sun began to set, Takumi suggested that they grab some food together. Rei hesitated at first, feeling like he was neglecting his training, but Takumi reassured him that it was important to take a break every now and then.

They went to a nearby café and talked for hours, sharing their hopes and dreams and getting to know each other better. Takumi was struck by how kind and compassionate Rei was, and Rei was drawn to Takumi's gentle and caring nature.

As they parted ways that night, Takumi felt a sense of excitement and anticipation that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that he had found something special in Rei, and he couldn't wait to see where their newfound connection would lead them.

Over the next few weeks, Takumi and Rei began to spend more and more time together. They would meet up after their respective practices and talk about their day, offer each other support and advice, and even train together on occasion.

Takumi began to see a new side of himself through his time with Rei. He found himself becoming more confident and daring, trying new techniques and pushing himself harder than ever before. Rei, in turn, found himself becoming more patient and thoughtful, taking the time to appreciate the finer details of his game.

As their friendship deepened, Takumi began to feel more and more drawn to Rei in a way he had never experienced before. He found himself thinking about Rei constantly, daydreaming about their future together and wondering if his feelings were reciprocated.

One day, as they were sitting on a bench in the park, Takumi mustered up the courage to tell Rei how he felt. To his relief, Rei didn't reject him. In fact, he revealed that he had been feeling the same way for a while, but had been too scared to say anything.

With their feelings out in the open, Takumi and Rei began to explore their budding romance. They would steal kisses during their training sessions, hold hands while walking through the city, and even go on dates to watch each other's competitions.

Their love for each other gave them a newfound strength and confidence in their respective sports. They supported each other through the highs and lows of competition, offering words of encouragement and sharing in each other's victories.

As their bond continued to grow, Takumi and Rei began to realize that they were not just champions in their sports, but champions in love as well. And with each passing day, they fell more deeply in love, knowing that they had found something truly special in each other.

As the sun began to set on another day, Takumi and Rei sat together on a bench in the park, holding hands and watching the stars come out. Takumi leaned his head on Rei's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace and contentment that he had never felt before.

"I never thought I could be this happy," Takumi said softly.

Rei turned to him with a smile. "Neither did I. But being with you, it feels like anything is possible."

Takumi gazed into Rei's eyes, feeling like he could get lost in them forever. He knew that they had a long road ahead of them, full of challenges and obstacles, but he was ready to face them head-on, knowing that Rei would be by his side.

As they sat in the quiet of the park, Takumi felt like he had finally found his true home. With Rei, he knew that he could conquer anything, on the ice and off. And with that thought, he closed his eyes and leaned in for a sweet, tender kiss, knowing that this was just the beginning of their epic love story.

( AUTHOR PART 2 :This chapter might be the only long chapter cause I get lazy and bored , this inspire by Yuri on ice and Prince of stride and I can say a bit of given )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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