Chapter 1-

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I was at my boyfriend Levi's house cuddled up under a velvety soft blanket, on the couch watching a movie. I could feel his big biceps hugging me tight, and the cold belt buckle he won from the rodeo.

Levi's dad came barging into the living room raging with anger. He stood to the right of the couch, with a raging facial expression on his face. His whole body was flexed with anger, the veins in his face bulging. I was feeling how tense the feeling and Levi got around his father. Levi was extremely timid around his father. He sank back into the couch and under the blanket to hide from his father. I looked into Levi's jade-green eyes and gave him the look that everything would be okay. His tears started to well up in his eyes, it looked like he was going to sob. As I shifted to be closer to Levi, he began to cling to me tightly, like a sloth on a tree. I took my thumb and used it to catch any tears coming out of his eyes. I looked at him with my eyes telling him that I would still be here if anything went sour.

Levi's father started stomping like an angry bull toward us, "Levi, I need to talk to you alone," his father said, shouting at him. It was obvious that he had been drinking, I can smell the alcohol, but all his fat soaks it up before he can actually get drunk.

Alone. That wretched word sticks to me like a fly in a fly trap.

In a soft and shaky monotone voice, Levi says, " Hun, please go wait in my room. I'll be there in a few minutes." I could tell that he was shaken up so I just decided to walk anyway.

I walked up the stairs and stopped on the last step before the second floor. I could hear Levi's sobs and his dad being very vocal about some bogus thing that never happened. The London Bridge was crashing down now. His father became a blaring siren, and not wanting to get into his matters, I dashed to Levi's room. I was even a little scared.

It's a dark abyss when I enter, but I eventually find a light. After the lights are turned on I admire the room I am in. The walls are painted a dark gray with some obvious red undertones. He's painted numerous designs in white on the walls, and there are lots of country band posters to complement them. He also hangs his hats on the walls. There are buckles, clothes, and pens all over the floor.

Levi likes all the things I like. For instance, music, clothes, art, books, and movies. Our favorite movie to watch together is Old Yeller. Westerns are our favorite, but horror movies are a close runner-up.

Snapping out of my small trance, I am still able to hear Levi's father spit out rude comments and cuss words. I also hear some slurs come out of his stupid face. After a few seconds, it all stops. It's like the world fell silent. Nothing.

After a few minutes, his father finally said in his annoying smoker's voice, "You may go to your room now." I can feel an immense amount of disappointment come out of that ogre's pores. It's like the stench that you can't seem to get rid of.

As he said that I heard swift stomping come up the stairs. A herd of elephants coming up the stairs. There was also some sporadic weeping. Levi's father must've said something to tick off Levi. He came to the door, barged in, and slammed it shut. The herd found its destination, it had crashed onto the bed I was laying on.

"You okay?" I asked in a soft and concerned tone.

Speaking between weeps, Levi says, "My dad is being a dick. Don't worry about it."

I'm getting even more antsy than I was before. It terrifies me when he hides things that are going on. To be honest, I think he's just trying to protect me.

"Are you okay, Maiya," he questioned, sounding apprehensive. He started to sound calmer, "You look lost in thought right now."

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about you, and how you are feeling," I said sullenly while fidgeting with my hands. There was a lot more on my mind than I was letting onto him.

Levi looked down with more tears that started to well up in his precious green eyes, "oh. Well, you don't need to worry about me. I am doing pretty okay."

As he said that, I already knew he was lying through his teeth. I guess that it was for the greater good. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Both of us needed to collect our thoughts. Mine were scattered everywhere. A bull in a china closet came to my mind and destroyed everything.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything at first. Until I thought of the bold question, "How long has your father been an absolute ass to you?" As I dwelled on the question some more, the answer became clear. The rabbit hole got deeper and deeper. Then I realized that a big part of Levi's life left when he was 6. His, "Mother."

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