LEVEL 69 - "Returned"

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A/N: Funny number

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A/N: Funny number

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Bakugo turns towards the villains with a large grin, "Huh. This is gonna be fun."

"If you want to fight grown adults who have much more experience than you, go ahead, I'm out." Y/n sighs, shaking her head in exhaustion.

"Young Bakugo, Young L/n, don't!" All Might tries to run towards them only to get pushed back as he's forced to continue fighting All for One.

Bakugo engages combat with the villains, Himiko almost stabbing him before he sets off an explosion and jumps back.

Compress nearly gets his hand on Bakugo's should only for the boy to jump away with the help of an explosion once again.

"I'm coming for you!" All Might tries to run forward, only for multiple of the black and red branch-spikes to stab him in the back, dragging him back towards All for One.

Mm.. that's gonna hurt in the morning. Y/n grimaced as All Mights face gets dragged across the stony ground.

"I don't think so. Because I am here." All for One mocks before throwing him into a nearby building.

"Well shit." Y/n's eyes darted between Bakugo and All Might.

She really wished she had some popcorn.

Bakugo jumps up into the air to dodge Twice's attack, Himiko throwing some knives at him which he narrowly dodges.

He lands back on the ground as Spinner immediately darts towards him, Bakugo scowls, setting off an explosion as he jumps away again.

Suddenly, a large explosion was set off as something crashed through a wall.

Toga and Twice turn to look, eyes wide.

A large spike of ice forms as the entire league looks over in shock.

A blur of blue, green, and red shoots in the air as Y/n and Bakugo quickly realize who the people are.

The three people shot through the air as Bakugo and Y/n stare with wide eye.

Kirishima holds his hand out to the two, "Come on!"

Shigaraki tries to reach for the two (only her) but a loud explosion cuts him off.

Y/n feels someone harshly grab her arm before wind blows in her ears.

No fucking way.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦━

The group watched the fight between All Might and All for One.

It was... intense.. to say the least.

It, of course, ending with All Might as the victor.

Why wouldn't he end up the victor?

Heroes win. Villains lose.


On another note, the flame between All Might and One for All vanished.

His skinny form was shown to the world.

And they... accepted him.

The crowds cheered and cheered for the man who had defeated All for One.

"Now. It's your turn."

A warning to criminals.

Or the fact he used everything.

It was left to Izuku.

It would be Izuku's burden to carry...

Y/n frowned, looking to her left as the boy cried, wiping his own tears that just kept coming and coming with seemingly no end.

She held his wrist softly in a form of comfort as she stands next to him, shoulders touching as she lies her head on his shoulder.

She wouldn't make him go through this alone.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦━

After everything was over, the group of five (Izuku, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, and Iida) brought the two kidnapped students to the police station.

Y/n and Bakugo walk into the police station, meeting with a few people before both their parents are called.

"Is— Is it necessary?" Y/n frowns, rubbing her arm as her eyes train onto the floor.

She was in an office room with one of the officers, Bakugo in the other room with another officer.

"It is. We are required to call your guardians so long as you're still a minor." The officer's gruff voice replied, dialing numbers into the phone.


She grimaced as her mother's number was dialed, the ringing repeating for a moment before someone finally answers.

"Hello? This is L/n Kamihiko. How may I help you?" The voice sounded... annoyed, almost.

"Hello, I'm with the Yokohama police, your daughter is here currently." The officer informed as a silence stretched over the other side for a moment.

"She is? I see." The voice sighed, "I assume I must get her, then?"

"Indeed." The police nodded despite the woman being unable to see him. "But we'll need to interview her first about the incident."

"I'm on my way there." The voice informed, making e/c eyes widen.

"Understood. Tell the front desk once you're here that you're her mother and provide an ID." He said, a reply coming from the other end before the phone call ended.

She... She was here..?

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