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| Chapter Seventeen |

I had been up the whole night, the nightmares pricking at the back of my eyelids anytime I tried to close my eyelids. It wasn't a terrible choice to stay up during the early morning but I knew today was a busy day.

The hanger that held my dress was hanging on the door to my closet, reminding me of what was to come in the next few hours.

I rubbed my eyes furiously, wishing I had gotten some sort of rest so that I didn't look like a sleep-deprived mess at the Country Club later on.

It was around eight in the morning and a knock sounded on my door, calling out to the person behind it to come in. My dad walked in, a bright smile along his lips before he set his gaze on me, obviously catching how red my eyes looked from the lack of sleep I had not gotten.

"Didn't sleep much?" He questioned, sitting on the edge of my bed as I sat against my headboard, a tired glint in my eyes.

I shook my head, turning away from him. "No," I mumbled, a sigh escaping from my lips.

"I'm sorry, Lane. Was it the same thing as it is every night?" He copied my sigh and took ahold of my hand in his, squeezing it in comfort.

"Yes. I don't know why it happens to me. It's so frustrating." I huffed, looking back at him with a thankful smile. "I'm fine, though. I'll get through the day."

"I know you will. Look, your mother and I are meeting Ward and Rose for breakfast to discuss plans for tonight. Is Sarah still coming over to get ready with you?" He asked, standing from my bed and latching his hands onto his waist.

I reached over and glanced over my phone, having received a few messages from Sarah aside from the others from Rafe and Topper. "She should be here in an hour." I turned my phone to show him the messages.

"Okay, if you need anything, just call me. We'll probably be back at eleven to start getting ready since we have to be there earlier than everyone else." He informed, pressing a quick kiss on my forehead before he trailed to my door.

"I'll see you then," I called after him, hearing my door click after he left. I laid back for the time remaining, waiting for Sarah to get here before I eventually had to get up.

"You don't think this is too much, do you?" Sarah questioned, turning around in my vanity chair to show off her makeup as I fixed her hair into waves.

She had gotten here hours ago and shortly after, we began getting ready. We had two hours to finish before we could leave for the Country Club, and most of our tasks were done.

I leaned down and checked every detail of her face, shaking my head to show her that it looked perfect. "Not at all, Topper will love it."

She rolled her eyes and continued with her mascara while I finished the top section of her hair. Light music spilled from the speaker in my room and I hummed the tune of a late 2000's song while my eyes glued to her blonde locks.

"Did you hear who Cassian was going with tonight?" She asked after pushing the wand back into the tube of mascara, puckering her lips to apply her lipstick.

"I'm not a part of your gossip groups, Sarah, so no." I chuckled after earning a jab to my thigh.

"I figured since the two of you were friends, he would've told you. Well, after getting rejected by the hottest girl on the Island, I'm sure he would've been too embarrassed to talk to you again." She teased, feeling as I shoved her head with my hand, a small laugh emitting from her lips.

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