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Mandy POV

I run towards the dark path I'm scared and tired but I keep on running

What do I do now?

I can't turn back without him

I reach another empty road the place is dark and quiet

A light shine from the only lit yard

That's where they are I hope

I run to the yard getting close I walk into the yard going around the back

I pray nothing happens to me

The only thing on my mind is to protect him

I'm sure he doesn't need it but I have to

They'll kill him if I don't he will kil him

I stop when I hear voices

"Chop off him head and fling it ova deh," a voice says

"Ah," another says

I cover my mouth my heart feeling like it's all over my body my head is pounding

I hate living here

Everything in me wants me to turn back and go home but I'm already here so I might as well stay

I'm trembling but I take a step I see a man kneeling Infront two mask men

I don't hear javier voice

Weh him deh?

I look at the sight Infront me should I turn and leave or should I watch

Logical I should run and hide cause if they see me I might end up on the news missing!

Another mask man comes from the other corner I pull back hiding behind the wall

Did he see me?

"Dawg a wah,?" The voice from earlier says

"Nut'n mon," another says

It's him

I pray he didn't see me if he did I'm in so much trouble even more than I already am

I peep around the corner javier is gone where?

One has a machete in his hand my hands tremble

Are they going to?

"Yuh blind,!" My subconscious says rolling her eyes

I think I'm going to be sick

I cover my mouth

In one swift movement the man in the blue ski mask chops off the man's head

It rolls to where I am the man lifeless body shakes violently on the ground blood gushing from his body

My eyes well with tears

I want to run but I can't I want to scream but I can't

One of the men starts walking where I am at I want to move but my legs won't allow me

He's getting closer but my body still won't move

I start praying God please don't let tonight December 22,2022 be the last night of my life I'm just nineteen I haven't live any life I don't want to die just save me please I promise to change my ways and-

Before I could continue a hand covers my mouth as my eyes widen my heart stops

"Don't scream a me," the person says I relax

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