Chapter 17. Training With Mirko

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[POV Change]


Mirko's Internship Building

[(Y/N)'s POV]

"Before we get to the fun part, we have to get a bit aquainted and get you registered as a member of my gym. I would, normally, just get straight to fighting you and not stop like we did just now, but my lawyer said I can't just go around beating up teenagers or some stupid shit like that. He did, however, say that if you're registered to the gym, it can be classified as sparring." Mirko said as we walked throughout the gym. "Watch your head, Shrimp." She then said in reference to all the machines with the same height as me and all the kickboxing and boxing targets that were coincidentally also the same height as me. "Why are all the things here the exact same height as me?" I asked her, finding it hard to believe that it was all a coincidence. "How should I know? I just ordered some kid-sized boxing and kickboxing equipment since I knew you were short, and they came here like this. You're much shorter than I expected, though, so that's probably why you're the same height as the kid-sized equipment." She said as she tried and failed to stifle a chuckle, annoying me slightly.

After talking for a bit, Mirko had led me to a small room in the back end of the gym, and it seemed to be very cramped and small, even for me. It seemed to be a 1x2 room, and it looked as if it was meant to be a storage room for janitorial equipment or something of the like. It also had a short ceiling, as I could sense Mirko's rabbit ears bending forward because of being pressed against the ceiling. They were almost folded on top of each other as well. Mirko wasn't that much taller as me as well, only being around a foot taller, which made it weird how short the ceiling was. "Now, I have to ask you a few questions before we get started. First, what's your name?" She asked as she picked up a notepad and a pen from a desk that was in the corner of the small room. The question had confused the hell out of me. Did this bitch really not know my name after I not only won the UA Sports Festival but also after she herself offered me an internship? "What is this? A joke? Do you really not know my name?" I asked her, and the way I asked somewhat showed how offended I was. "All part of the procedure, Shrimp. Just answer quickly so that we can get it over, and I can legally beat you up." She responded, causing me to sigh in response. "My name is (Y/N) Beifong." I told her, and she quickly wrote it down. "What's your Quirk?" She then asked, frustrating me once again. Shouldn't she especially know this if she recruited me for an internship? "Long version or short?" I asked her, remembering the insanely long explanation I had given to Aizawa and Nezu after the entrance exam. "Short and quick, just like you, Shrimp."

"I can manipulate the ground, rocks, metal, and sand through telekinesis, but like through moving my body, so I can't just do it through my thoughts. I can also feel things around me through the vibrations they send, which I pick up on through the ground." I explained to her, ignoring the joke she made about my height. "That was still too long. You need to work on shortening your Quirk explanation." The Pro Hero told me in response, which had officially made my patience not run thin, but run until it was non-existent. "Alright, enough fucking around! I came here to intern under a professional hero and learn things that would make me a better hero, not to amuse a knucklehead like you! So you better get your shit together, or else I'm leaving!" I angrily yelled at her, pointing a finger in her direction after having had enough. "Do something about it then." She simply said, confusing me. "Huh?" I let out. "I'm telling you to put your money where your mouth is instead of just turning around and running away like a little pussy." She then said as she dropped the notepad and pen before standing in front of me and staring me down.

I know for a fact that this bitch didn't just call me a little pussy.

"Alright then. I'll beat your ass up if that's what you want." I told her, raising my head to 'look' her in the eyes. "Follow me then." She told me, walking past me and to the centre of the building, where a boxing ring proudly stood. "What the fuck is this?" I asked, not understanding why she chose this out of all places. It barely had any space and was so enclosed. "No using your Quirk to move stuff. I went through all your matches in the Sports Festival, and you only physically hit your opponent twice, and both of those times you had your hand covered in concrete. What would you do if you weren't able to use your Quirk, huh? Because right now, we both know that's you're not worth shit without your Quirk. If you use your Quirk, I'll throw you out of here myself." She told me, jumping from the ground and into the ring instead of making her way through the ropes. I, on the other hand, had to go up the steps on the side of the ring before raising the top rope to make my way in. "That's not fair since your Quirk is always activated, but I don't care. I just want to beat you up." I told her as I stood in the opposite corner from her.

"Are you sure that's the stance you want to take? Because right now, all I see are openings." She warned me, as my 'stance' was simply me standing in place with my arms by my side. Although she didn't give me any time to heed her warning, as she had charged at me just seconds after she said what she said. She jumped up in the air while in front of me, leaving me with no idea if she was going to kick, punch, or even headbutt me and where she was going to do any of those things. I suddenly felt a downward kick onto the front of my left kneecap, causing me to bend over as my left leg straightened, and I wobbled back and forth while trying to regain my balance with my right foot, which had made me look like a boxer that got stunned and is trying not to fall down. I immediately raised my hands to guard my face as this happened, with the reason behind that being that I knew that if I was fighting someone in the same situation as me then I would attack their face or head. Mirko seemed to have a similar mind, as I immediately felt her knee quickly and powerfully collide with the back of my hands, pushing me back and almost breaking through my guard. Although, the attack was still effective, as being pushed back by the knee while already trying to regain my balance had caused me lose the small amount of balance that I had remaining. As I was falling backwards I had a big decision lurking in my mind. Since my feet weren't currently on the ground, I couldn't feel anything around or tell where Mirko was. And so, should I protect my face while falling or make it so that when I hit the ground, I could get up immediately and not just lay there in a vulnerable way. There were a bunch of other things I could do in this situation if I was able to use my Quirk, but unfortunately, none of them were viable since Mirko had said that I can't use my Quirk during this fight. Not having a lot of time to think, I opted for defending my head and face instead of making sure I could get up quickly when I landed. After all, what guarantees was there that she wouldn't attack me while I was getting up.

"Mistake number 2." Mirko said, and less than a second later, I felt two legs stomping on my stomach, blasting me onto the boxing ring's mat instantly. I desperately gasped for breath as it was knocked out of me, spitting a bit and drooling from the sides as I my mouth was left open to take in any breath. I felt as if a semi-truck was repeatedly rolling over my abdomen, destined to flatten it no matter what. "You're pretty weak, so I'm gonna give you an advantage and not attack you while you're down. You can call it me being kind, but I'd call it pity." I heard Mirko say, snickering to herself while I wallowed in the ground in pain. "Come on, get up. You're not seriously that weak, are you? One hit, and it's already over. It's as if you're that son of Endeavour's." She then mocked as she walked to one of the corners and leaned against it to relax. At that point, after what she had said, something began to awaken in me. An urge to get up and fight. Not to defend myself or prove my worth anything. No.

It was to hurt her.

Sorry that it took a while for the new chapter to come out, I've been a bit busy. I had a question to ask, though. I've been wanting to write a story with a Gyomei male reader, but I don't have many ideas. I've only thought of Gyomei male reader x mha and Gyomei male reader x jjk. Would you guys rather one of those or do you have another idea? Doesn't necessarily have to be a gyomei idea, can give any idea you want for a story.

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