68. Torture and Iced Tea.

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Shizukana's P.O.V.

After receiving the good news from Lady Tsunade, Sensei made sure to begin making plans almost immediately so we wouldn't delay the training. Seeing as how I hadn't trained a bit in over two months, we, under the watchful eye of Lady Shizune, started basic. I wasn't complaining. It's better to amp things up to a more difficult training session before just beginning from there.

A brief schedule was made. Training every day except for Thursdays and Sundays. Sensei did promise to be lenient on Saturdays but I'm used to intense training sessions. We decided to meet up at the training ground where we had the bell test. Kakashi Sensei was more familiar with the area and it would allow us to train without getting interrupted.

The alarm rang sharply at 5.30. Instead of wasting any more time, I quickly got dressed, making sure to be quiet. Sakura was still asleep, and she looked exhausted the last time I saw her. Whipping up a quick breakfast, I scribbled a note to Sakura, explaining how I left for training and that her breakfast was in the microwave.

Brimming with excitement, I made my way to the training ground. Instead of warming up there, I decided to warm up while walking to the grounds. I thought of inviting Naruto as well but I found out that he was out of the village with Jiraiya Sensei. They were expected to come back in a week. To be completely honest, I hadn't expected to see Sensei there but here he was, leaning against one of the trees.

"You're on time," I spoke, gaining Kakashi Sensei's attention. "It's creeping me out."

"Good morning to you too," Kakashi replied, smiling lazily. "I wanted to get started. Did you warm up?"

"Yep." I clapped my hands together. "What do we start with?"

"Quick jog," Sensei answered vaguely. He looked like he was planning something.

"Checkpoints?" I asked. The look on Sensei's face made the entire conversation odd. He must have some torture planned.

Kakashi simply laughed, creeping me out even more. "The entire Village." At that, I sighed. This was probably a cruel way to start but knowing Sensei, he wouldn't make me run the entire thing. "We'll be joined by Gai and Rock Lee."

At that, I raised her eyebrows in surprise. I hadn't seen the duo in quite a long time. Last I heard, Rock Lee had snuck out of the hospital to help with the whole incident and had managed to end up back in the hospital. I wanted to visit him he was discharged before I woke up from my coma. "That will be nice. When will they be here?"

"About..." Sensei trailed off before looking at his wristwatch. "Now."

Just as Sensei finished, the loud and energetic voices of the infamous Might Gai and Rock Lee cut through the otherwise calm and quiet. Turning to face them, I was instantaneously met with the bright and lively smiles of Rock Lee and Gai Sensei.

"Ah. A very good morning Kakashi and my dear Shizukana." Gai Sensei spoke, his voice booming. I smiled back at them, not sure what else to do. While I have spoken to Gai Sensei and Lee before, I haven't found much in common with them.

"Good morning," I replied, slightly bowing my head.

"I hear you plan on joining us on our daily jog around the village," Lee asked. He looked a bit confused but he tried his best not to show it.

His confusion was perfectly justifiable. This must just be some weird motivation Sensei has in mind by making me run around the entire village. I doubt I'll make it the entire way on the first day and I'm pretty sure Sensei understands that as well.

"Oh yeah," I smiled as I shrugged my shoulders. "Let's see how long I can go."

"Think of this as a way of measuring how your stamina and endurance are." Kakashi Sensei spoke as he handed some weight tags to me. "Since you lost your weights."

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