46 | Stop Struggling Like A Fish

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After filling their bellies with spicy food, Jungkook offers to get an ice-cream for both of them. Jimin couldn't have been much excited. He always wanted to eat ice-cream in the night sky. Such a simple wish that never got fulfilled.

Jungkook comes back after a little while. On his way, he passes a lot of couples kissing each other under the sky, making him feel giddy as if he was going to get one too very soon.

His heart feels all tingly when his eyes fall on Jimin, who is crouched down with his back on him, building a sand castle most probably.

Jungkook scrunches his nose before deciding to tease him a little. He stuffs both the ice-creams in his pockets before taking silent steps towards Jimin.

When his shadow towers above Jimin, Jimin stops his actions. He slowly turns his head to look who's there. But before that, Jungkook bends down and sweeps him off the floor.

"Ahhh" Jimin screams but stops when he hears Jungkook laughing at him. Jimin grabs his collar to not fall down "You scared me!"

"When are you really not scared?" Jungkook laughed more and turned around with Jimin still in his arms. "That's so mean of you! Put me down!" He laughed more.

But then he stopped and smirked at him "Really? Are you sure you want me to put you down?" Jimin looks at him confused before a flashback runs through his mind where Jungkook just left him in the air to fall down on the floor.

His eyes widened when Jungkook ever so slightly loosened the grip on him. "No No No... Not like that... Don't drop me do-Wn" Jungkook pretended to drop him, making his voice go shrill for a moment before he again lifted him firmly.

Jungkook laughed again at his face. "You are so mean Jungkook!" Jimin says panting. He struggles his way out of his hands, but Jungkook doesn't lose the grip. "Stop struggling like a fish! I'll put you down when I want!"

Jimin pouts big. He juts his bottom lip out, his eyes turn into puppy eyes. Jungkook was just about to give up, but then he saw the evil smile coming upon Jimin's face. "You sneaky little!"

"Are you trying to play with me now!?" He asks pretending to scold him.
Jimin finally giggles helplessly "But why are we standing like that in the middle of everything... It's kinda embarrassing... Everyone might be looking at us..."

"No one is free to look at us. They are enjoying their time together."
"And we should do the same!"
"Really? Are you confident you can do the same?"

Jungkook looks at him with challenging eyes and a teasing smirk. Jimin nods without putting much thought into it.

"They are kissing their boyfriends or girlfriends." Jimin's eyes move to Jungkook's lips involuntarily. He gulps down and bites his lips. His eyes travel back to Jungkook's eyes to find the amusement in them.

"Do you want to try it too..." Jimin whispers & Jungkook's heart thumps loudly than before. He nods his head like a lost puppy. Jimin's heart thumps loudly too.

"What if I say I'm still not ready..."
"Then I'll respect that decision." Jungkook replies within a heartbeat. Jimin smiles shyly before looking away from his eyes.

"But just know, I'm not the most patient man you'll see." Jungkook finally puts him down before tugging at his hand to sit back down on the mat.

"Here..." He handed Jimin his ice cream, and now only realised that his thighs were almost freezing because of it.

Jimin unwrapped the ice-cream cone and took a bite before scrunching his nose up because of the brain freeze. Jungkook chuckled at him.

"Sometimes you are so smart, and other times you are so silly! Don't bite into it dummy, lick your way down!" Jungkook shook his head before unwrapping his ice-cream and licking a fat stripe.

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