Chapter 18. Learning

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[POV Change]


Mirko's Internship Building

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I rolled over onto my stomach as Mirko smugly leaned against the covered turnbuckle in the corner of the ring, the same objective as before still on my mind. I dug my knuckles into the ground and began to push myself up, my teeth ragefully and viciously grinding against each other at the same time. "Ooh, scary. I'm so scared right now. Just kidding, you look like a 6 year old cosplaying as that one crazy dog thing from Looney Tunes." Mirko continued to mock me, laughing as she did. This had just made me angrier than I already was, giving me more motivation to get up and beat her ass. As I forced myself onto my knees and then onto my feet, I could sense Mirko stop leaning against the corner of the ring and stand upright in preparation for me. Instead of adopting a passive stance like before, I had a few thoughts about what I should do. I knew that I couldn't just go in there hot-headed and expect to just beat her up with ease and win. No, that would be insanely stupid and would result in the opposite outcome.

I could tell that Mirko wasn't going to give me a lot of time to think and that she would come after me soon, so I had to think quickly. I thought back to how I fought when I used my Quirk. When I used my Quirk, I wasn't just randomly throwing rocks at around at people, I was using an actual technique. So why don't I use it here and now? The technique wasn't exclusive to my Earthbending Quirk, as it had a deep and rich history, being named the Southern Praying Mantis Style and being a Chinese martial art. I slowly raised my arms into the bass stance, sort of resembling a Praying Mantis. This was a style that focused on defence, which was good since I was still feeling some pain from Mirko's attack on my ribs. "You have fewer openings than before, but don't think that's going to save you!" Mirko exclaimed excitedly as she once again took off to attack me. One of the things that helped the Southern Praying Mantis Style with being good at defending was that it could be used to anticipate an opponent's attack, which paired incredibly well with the parts of my Quirk that allowed me to sense things through vibrations.

My hands tensed up slightly as I carefully sensed how Mirko had begun heading towards me. She had jumped towards me by taking off with her right foot, which meant that she could only land on her left foot if he she was trying to land near me. If she was to plant her left foot and make it her lead foot, then that meant she would have to attack my left side with either her right arm or her right leg. 'No!' I suddenly yelled internally, realising what Mirko had in mind. I turned 90 degrees to my right, where I immediately shot my right hand downwards and diagonally to the right, where it collided with the leg of none other than Mirko. Afterwards, following through with the Southern Praying Mantis Style, I sent a chop with the side of my left hand at Mirko's face, where my hand collided with her eyes and made her fall and roll backwards. "I knew that you wouldn't just land and strike my left side. No, that would have been too predictable for someone like you. You'd have gone for a kick aimed at my head with your left foot while in the air. You're as stupid as Bugs Bunny in that sense. Plus, you put too much effort into the jump for landing in front of me to be your intention." I told her, for once getting to be the mocker whilst talking to her. Despite my mocking, I felt that Mirko hadn't gone all out on me right now. I was fully expecting her to block my hand or kick me with her other leg. I was confused as to why that was, but I wasn't going to let it distract me right now from the task at hand.

"Took you long enough to land and block a hit, but I have just one thing to say to you..." Mirko told me, her words wandering off and intriguing me as she stood up. "Don't go for the eyes. You'll get a bunch of bad press and will be called a 'dirty fighter' that 'cheats' and whatnot. It'll save you the hassle if you just hit them somewhere else. On that note, you'll also get bad press if you attack the groin, ears, and if you're fighting a woman, the tits." She finished off, stunning me slightly. 'What the fuck is she talking about?' I wondered to myself, confused as to where this was coming from. Just a minute ago she was mocking me and attacking me, and now she's telling me not to hit someone in the nuts or the tits because of bad press. What made it even more confusing and weird was that the way she was talking about it all made it seem like she herself had gotten backlash for hitting an enemy in those places. "Thanks..?" I responded, unsure of whether I should thank her or just stay silent. "No problem. Anyways, we're done. If you cook a shrimp too much, it'll burn." She said as she hopped over the ropes of the boxing ring. 'Again with the stupid shrimp stuff...' I thought to myself, just as annoyed and ticked off as I was when she called me that for the first time.

"Sounds to me like you're just scared, you old hag." I yelled out to her as I remained standing in the ring. "Who the hell are you calling an old hag?" She angrily questioned me, not even waiting a moment as she turned around to face me. "Well, have fun catching up with this old hag!" She then exclaimed as she ran out of her own Internship Building. "What the- hey! Wait!" I called out after her, quickly making my way out of the ring before running out of the building so that I could catch up to her. I sensed that she was quite far away, now hopping from the roof of building to building. "How the hell did she get up there?" I shouted as I quickly carved out an outline around my feet in the concrete around me before raising it in the form of a pillar. I used the pillar similarly to a skateboard, manoeuvring around citizens to catch up with Mirko as fast as I could. When I started to get close to Mirko, I changed directions and began heading for the building. I jumped off seconds before colliding with the building, sending the pillar back into the ground and landing on the building's wall with my feet. I then used the wall similarly to an elevator, removing the part that I was standing on and sending it to the top before returning the wall to how it was previously.

By the time I had made it up, Mirko had gotten further by six more roofs, and so I had to act quickly if I wanted any hopes of catching up to her. I suddenly saw Mirko stop dead in her tracks, which seemed weird to me, yet I went after her by doing the same thing I had been doing on the ground, except this time there was the difference of me getting rid of the pillar of the roof I was on before creating a new one on the next roof after jumping onto it. As I finally reached the roof that Mirko was on, she quickly raised her index finger towards me while she was she was crouched over the edge of the building. "Shh." She sushed as I walked towards her, confused by what was going on. "What's happen-" I said, having to stop in the middle of my sentence due to Mirko slapping her hand over my mouth and covering it. I then proceeded to bite her palm to get her to let go, which then prompted her to let go and slap the back of my head before shaking her hand. "What the fuck was that, shark-shrimp?" She angrily whisper-yelled at me, giving me a new nickname. It's better than the old one, I guess. "You're the one that covered my mouth after running away from me unexpectedly!" I whisper-yelled back at her while rubbing the back of my head in pain, not too sure of why she was whispering but going along with it either way.

"There's a hostage situation going on. At first, I just ran off to see how fast you could move in areas with a lot of citizens, but I then heard this going on, and so I made my way here. Can you see where the villains are?" She asked me as she pointed at the villains, causing me to deadpan at her. "No." I answered blankly while furrowing my eyebrows. "How? They're right there- oh yeah, you're blind." Mirko said, realising how stupid she was being halfway through her sentence. I had then picked up on the vibrations of what she was talking about. There were two villains, each with a gun in their hands and both of them pointing the guns at the heads of two civilians that they had taken hostage. Not that far away, there were some cops standing still, their guns still in their holsters in fear of the hostages dying if the villains felt threatened. "Okay, this is good right here. What you should do-" Mirko began to speak as she continued looking at the situation, although she stopped speaking as the guns suddenly compressed, becoming nothing more than metal balls that the villains dropped fearfully. Afterwards, holes had opened up under each of the villains, causing them to fall in before the ground returned to normal, trapping them in there with just their shoulders and head sticking out. "You're welcome!" I yelled out to the hostages as I saw them frighteningly run towards the cops, although I don't think that they heard me. "Listen to me when I talk, shark-shrimp!" I heard Mirko yell after me as I turned away from her and began walking away, much to the chagrin of Mirko, who had begun to yelled obscenities at me. 'Pomeranian?' I thought to myself, almost believing that he was there because of how much the Pro Hero seemed similar to him at the moment.

Blind Sense (Male Toph Reader X MHA) [DISCONTINUED]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα