53 | I'm Still The Tall One! Also A Top

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Jungkook went to check the door, almost boring daggers in the staff person who has come to deliver their food. He closes the door and turns around.

Jimin is sitting cross legged on the bed, touching his own lips with his index finger. Smile is not leaving his face that has turned totally pink, complementing his hair color.

Jungkook chuckles lovingly at him. "I Love how my new chapter began with the sweetness of a cake, and your new chapter began with the sweetness of our kiss..." Jimin bites his lips, smiling shyly.

Jungkook places the food on the table before walking to him. "Now do you understand why I wanted to kiss you all those times." He whispers before standing behind him and bends down to rest his face on his shoulder.

Jimin covers his face, making Jungkook laugh at him affectionately. "I love you." Jungkook says out of nowhere.

Even after hearing it more than enough times in the last 24 hours, it just doesn't feel real to them.

"Let's eat... Our food is getting cold..."
"Me too. I love you too Jungkook..."

Jungkook scrunches his nose at the way Jimin said those words in a hurry. He pulls him to get up from the bed before kissing the side of his forehead.

They have their dinner in pure silence. Jungkook continuously stares at Jimin, while Jimin keeps breaking into a shy grin several times and keeps covering his mouth with one hand while smiling.

Jungkook can't get enough of his adorable actions. They finished their meal in half hour and headed to bed after freshening up one by one.

Jungkook scooches closer to Jimin's smaller frame before placing his arm around his waist. Jimin smiles, going ahead and threading their fingers together on his stomach.

"Happy Birthday again"
"Thankyou so much... It was really a birth-day for me" They both chuckle at this.


They reached their apartment around 11AM the next day. Jimin was so happy to be back. It feels more homely here.

Jungkook asks if Jimin is feeling the blues of letting go of his family. "I don't think they are worth feeling the blues... I have spent my life without their love, it was only mental abuse, I'm so so happy to not belong to them anymore." Jimin sighs big.

"I like this side of you. You are finally clear on things." Jungkook smiles wide. He's just so proud of his brave boyfriend.

Jimin passes him a smile. "Let's not talk about the past. We can create our own beautiful memories everyday, every moment, every second."

"I think I wanna marry you. Right this instant." Jungkook speaks lowly, making Jimin look away with a racing heart.

"After we get married, we get a big house, adopt babies and I also want a dog, and we live happily ever after! How does that sound?" Jungkook asks excitedly this time.

While Jimin's heart keeps racing fast hearing that. He will have his own home one day. "That sounds beautiful." He replies with a smile.

Then his face shows concern. "Now that I think about it, I'm a homeless person now??" He suddenly remarks.

"Nice realisation I must say!" Jungkook snorts at him for getting to that point from a happy conversation, but he too feels the heavy weight behind that single line.

"I really have to find a job now. Yeahhhhh! I will be a working man in a few days!!!"
"Are you stressed or are you excited?"
"A mix of both" Jimin replies tiredly chuckling.

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